ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems
  • CODE : ZABE-0003
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
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Kenneth Zabel has been involved with environmental management systems while working for several automotive suppliers and manufacturers of commercial food preparation and processing equipment. He also has over twenty years’ experience working for global third-party certification bodies and for the past five years he has conducted educational seminars and has been a Quality and Sustainability Auditor of manufacturers and their suppliers across North America.     

ISO 14001 is an internationally agreed standard that sets the requirements for environmental management systems. It helps organizations improve their environmental performance through more efficient use of resources and reduction of waste, gaining a competitive advantage and the trust of stakeholders. ISO 14001 is suitable for any organization -- all types and sizes, be they private, not-for-profit or governmental. You need to consider all environmental issues relevant to your operations -- air pollution, water and sewage issues, waste management, soil contamination, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and resource use and efficiency.

Explore how you can improve your company’s reputation and the confidence of stakeholders through strategic communication in these areas.

An environmental management system helps organizations identify,  manage, monitor and control their environmental issues in a holistic manner.
Like other ISO management systems, it uses a high-level structure - it can be integrated easily into any existing ISO management system. It also includes the need for continual improvement of an organization’s systems and approach to environmental concerns. Based on BS7750 1994, three editions of ISO 14001 were issued in 1996, 2004, and 2015.

ISO 14001:2015 is a response to the latest trends, including the increasing recognition by companies of the need to factor in both external and internal elements that influence their environmental impacts, such as climate volatility and the competitive context in which they work.

Areas Covered

  • Development of an environmental policy reflecting an organization’s commitments to the environment
  • Identification of environmental compliance requirements
  • The appointment of a person(s) responsible for the EMS's coordination
  • Identification of how the organization interacts with the environment
  • Identification of actual and potential environmental impacts
  • How to establish environmental objectives, targets, and programs
  • Monitoring and measurement of the progress to achieve its objectives
  • How to review the system and environmental performance
  • Continuous  improvement of your environmental performance
  • Key changes in ISO 14001:2015: the context of the organization, and more specific requirements on interested parties, the scope, and leadership

Course Level - Basic/Fundamental

Who Should Attend   

  • Quality Engineers
  • Quality Managers
  • Compliance Managers
  • Internal Auditor
  • Materials Managers

Why Should You Attend

Do you need to demonstrate compliance with current and future environmental customer, statutory, and regulatory requirements? Do you need to increase leadership involvement and engagement of employees with environmental issues? Are you looking to achieve a competitive and financial advantage through improved efficiencies and reduced costs? Are you trying to encourage the better environmental performance of suppliers by integrating them into the organization’s business systems? This Webinar will give you an understanding of this standard, how to comply with the requirements, and incorporate these themes into all aspects of your business.

  • Very often your customers, neighbors, and the local community will be interested in how you care for the environment around you. Increasingly, consumers are concerned about the environmental practices of the companies that produce the products they use
  • One of the most important benefits that can be derived from implementing ISO 14001 is to provide you with a framework for identifying, monitoring and complying with the various environmental requirements that apply to your processes. Of course, you try to follow all applicable laws before implementing an environmental management system, but the system itself can aid in maintaining your compliance
  • All companies want to reduce costs – this is a fact of life in today’s world economy – but you may wonder how an environmental management system can help with cost control. The first way that this can happen is by using your system to identify, control, and reduce the number of environmental incidents that occur, which can cost your company through liability costs of fines, cleanup, and reparations. Secondly, you can use the improvement aspect of the environmental management system to help reduce costs by working to conserve the energy and input materials required by your company processes
  • When you are trying to make the improvements outlined above, it is important to ensure you are working with good, accurate data, which is a key element of the ISO 14001 standard. When putting these improvement activities in place, you can greatly increase the chances that you will be successful the first time by tracking the improvement through good data collection – and even if the initiative goes off track, you will find this out sooner so that you can correct problems and recover faster. This can save further time and money
  • The element of continual improvement that is integral to the ISO 14001 requirements can be used to help your organization to move from small improvements toward greater enhancements to your organizational processes
  • Through these systematic processes, you can better build your public image and reduce your costs as identified above, but to continue to do this can help your employees find new and better ways to reduce your environmental impact and save time and resources when they improve the processes
  • Employees who are involved in company improvements are more engaged in other aspects of the company. Given a choice between working for a company that shows care and concern for the environment around it and one that does not, most people would prefer the first company. Engaged employees in a group effort to reduce the company’s environmental footprint will often have an increased employee focus and retention, and it is easier and less expensive to retain employees than it is to recruit and train new employees
  • $200.00

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