Fail Forward
  • CODE : MITA-0002
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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Smita Mittal is an author, Relationship Coach and a Public Speaker. She holds regular sessions in Ghana through Bridge IT Corporation, an affiliated organization of IIT Powai. She is on mission to provide coaching to as many people in need as she can. She is also part of a Central Government affiliated programme , ‘Udaan’, for gifted under graduated  students where she holds regular webinars to assist them to improve their soft skills.

Has also worked with Sudanese refugee girls at All saints Church in Cairo and trained them in embroidery and crochet work to hold the exhibitions of their works at American Embassy Fair.

With around three decades of experience in the field of education and counselling Smita Mittal believes in upgrading her knowledge by learning new skills. She is a certified Master Coach of Neuro Linguistic Programming  ( NLP)

She has published 3 books:  ‘Living Through Relationships- Destiny or Freewill’ And other two Co-authored books –‘Empower Your Growth- 11 mind-set mantras to succeed in Life’ and ’75 Top Notch Management Activities’ which are available on Amazon, Flip cart and Kindle.

She loves to read books on philosophy and fiction. She also loves to paint.

Life is a series of actions, in some we succeed and in some we fail. There is no guarantee of the result in any of the actions that we take. We act today in hope that its result will give us a better future. But sometimes, that is not the case. It doesn't mean that we stop aspiring for a better future! Failure was not our destination and we should never allow it to become one.

We were all born as very resourceful, determined people! When we were born we could do only very basic activities, but we were aware of our potential and we never gave up till we achieved our goals of turning, sitting, standing, walking, running, jumping, eating, playing , basically whatever we wanted to do despite falling and failing innumerable times!

Then from our environment our mind got introduced to the fear of failure, fear of shame, fear of inadequacy etc etc and our approach to work changed.
Failure is the other side of success. Success is the desirable outcome of all our actions. However success also is not permanent. If we stop working on it, the same success will turn into failure as its benchmark keeps on changing!

In this webinar we will look at handling fear from all angles and unravel the secrets of how we can train our mind to change its perception of failure .

Areas Covered

  • What is bothering us: Fear of Failure or Fear itself
  • Why is it important to know
  • What is Failure
  • How to handle it
  • Benefits of failure
  • How to turn failure into an asset

Who Should Attend

Students, Professionals, Leaders

Why Should You Attend

If you also have got disheartened by your encounters with failures then this workshop is for you. To start afresh, to reach out to your desired destination, age doesn't matter. To live a successful life, what matters is the mindset!

In this webinar you will learn not only how to face your failed attempt but to handle it too. The most important aspect of facing your failure is to handle it properly.
In this Webinar you will learn:

  • How to accept failure without fear or shame.

You will also learn not to associate failure with your self-worth.

  • How not to be afraid of failing
  • How to turn your uncertainties into your strengths

Your biggest take-away in this webinar will be Your new ability to change your hesitant and frightened thought process into Learning and Self believing one with a more open, accepting and forgiving view point.

Topic Background

Every person has encountered failures in his/her life and that too in every sphere of life be it financial investments, exercises, learning new skills, making friends, professional sphere, executing their assignments. The list is endless! However, some people get so disheartened that they stop moving forward for the fear of failure and stagnate at one spot.

  • $200.00

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