Mastering the Emotional Energy of Great HR/Leadership/Sales
  • CODE : DOPH-0019
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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Don Phin is a California employment law attorney. He has consulted with hundreds of companies to help improve their employment practices. He has presented over 600 times to CEOs, HR, and other executives on what works in employee relations. Don’s latest book is The 40| |40 Solution: Mastering the Emotional Energy of Leadership and Sales. Don built HRThatWorks, used by 3,500 companies and sold to ThinkHR in 2014. In addition to consulting and speaking, Don does executive coaching and workplace investigations.Originally a kid from the Bronx (you may still hear the accent), today Don lives in sunny Coronado, California.

It’s hard to ignore today’s conversation around emotional intelligence. Studies show it is far more important to leadership success than having a high IQ. The term “emotional intelligence” implies the answer lies in the frontal lobe of the brain. It implies we can think our way through all our problems. Let me ask you this: when two people are yelling at each other in the hallway, meeting room, or customer counter, is the any “intelligence” going on? Of course not.

In this fast-moving training, attorney, author and speaker, Don Phin, will introduce us to the idea of “emotional energy.” He will help us understand the importance of the roles we play and the powerful  40| |40 Solution to “feeling” what is going on.  Don will remind us great leadership is an inside/out game!  

This is a unique and insightful training because it’s not just about them, it’s about you!

Areas Covered

  • The need for drama
  • The impact of our stories
  • All the world’s a stage
  • The three roles we play
  • The idea of emotional energy
  • How to play the 40/ /40 way
  • Coax, encourage, and inspire
  • Letting go, being inclusive, and having faith
  • And so much more

Why Should You Attend

Here’s a sobering thought: Half of all managers and leaders are better than the other half! The greatest challenge these executives face has less to do with how smart they are and more to do with how well they manage the emotions. Of both themselves and the people they lead or manage.

Unsuccessful leaders and managers generate million-dollar problems. The exposure they generate causes lawsuits, turnover, brand damage, and a shrinking bottom line. Yet few of these executives were ever trained on how to BE as an executive.

Since control is dead as a leadership strategy, in its place are concepts such as engagement, empowerment, inspiration, inclusion and emotional intelligence. This is the path to great leadership today.

Topic Background

This is a program delivered hundreds of times, to very high ratings. It is unique, fun, and provides a ton of aha moments. Great for HR, leadership, and sales.

  • $200.00

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