Conducting Legal And Ethical Investigative Interviews
  • CODE : JOGR-0001
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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John E. Grimes III, CFE, CFI has over 45 years of law enforcement, criminal investigation, loss prevention, fraud examination experience, and teaching experience. John began his law enforcement career with the Baltimore City Police Department where he became a Detective in the Criminal Investigation Division (CID). John left Baltimore and became a Special Agent with the Amtrak Police Department Fraud and Organized Crime Unit and was later promoted to Captain of the CID. In 1993, John joined the Amtrak Office of Inspector General/Office of Investigations as a Special Agent. In 1999, he was appointed the Chief Inspector. John retired from service in 2011.

John consults and provides training and speaks on a variety of topics including Procurement Fraud, Fraud and Loss Prevention Strategies, Forensic Interviewing, Ethics, and Leadership.

Furthermore, John is an Adjunct Instructor of Forensic Studies at Stevenson University. John teaches the graduate level course, Investigative Interview Techniques. In addition, he is the Assistant Director of the Center for Forensic Excellence at Stevenson University. He also developed and taught an introductory Loss Prevention Course for Blue Ridge Community College in Hendersonville, NC.

John is a  Past President of the Maryland Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). John has been recognized as a Certified Fraud Examiner since 1997. John is a member of the ACFE Advisory Committee. John is also recognized as a Certified Forensic Interviewer by the Center for Interviewer Standards and Assessments, Ltd.

Additionally, John is a former Division Staff Officer with the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary where he was recognized as an Instructor Specialist. Marine Safety and Environmental Protection Specialist, and Assistant Harbor Safety Specialist.

John holds an AA n Criminal Justice from The Community College of Baltimore County, a BA in Business with an emphasis in Accounting from the Notre Dame of Maryland University, and an MS in Forensic Studies from Stevenson University. Additionally, John is a 1987 graduate of the New England Institute of Law Enforcement Management at Babson College.

This webinar will explore best interview practices in the search for truth, whether it is from victims, witnesses, information providers, or suspects. Often, the objective of an interview is to obtain an admission of involvement (a confession) in a matter under investigation. If the interview is conducted in an unethical or less than legal manner, the confession could be invalidated. Furthermore, the webinar will explore how to avoid creating an interview environment that could subject you and your company to lawsuits or criminal sanctions for false imprisonment or coercion. This includes word choices, room setting, and interviewer demeanor. 

The webinar will also explore legal requirements when interviewing employees., union employees, and individuals in custody. In addition, the webinar will discuss case law that governs what is allowed and not allowed in the interview room. 

Investigators must obtain information to investigate. Many instances of interviewer abuse have been publicized leading to lawsuits, erosion of confidence, and false confessions It is imperative that the interviewer obtain truthful information from an interviewee in a lawful and ethical manner.

Areas Covered

  • Best Practice Interview Guidelines
  • Interview vs. Interrogation (Eliminating the Negative Connotation of the word, “Interrogation”)
  • Interviewing Public Sector Employees
  • Interviewing Union Employees
  • Interviewer Word Choices
  • Interview Room Setting
  • Interview Length
  • Eroding Public opinion/suspicion of interview methods
  • Articulating interview methods
  • Seeking the truth
  • Using Deception to obtain the truth

Course Level - Fundamental

Who Should Attend   

  • Fraud Examiners
  • Internal Investigators
  • Attorneys
  • External Auditors
  • Internal Auditors
  • Compliance and Ethics managers
  • Human Resources Personnel
  • Security personnel
  • Loss Prevention personnel 

Why Should You Attend

If you conduct or supervise investigations, you need to be aware of the current laws and regulations that govern interviews in the public or private sector. In addition, you should be aware of specific rules that govern interviewing union employees.

The interviewer must be aware of current laws and regulations that govern interviews. The interviewer must also be aware of current trends and negative public opinion regarding interviewer tactics used to elicit information from an interviewee, even if the information is truthful. Truthful information that has been elicited by coercion or force can be invalidated and the interviewer can face serious consequences. The interviewer should be thinking forensically in that he or she must be prepared to articulate to a tribunal the method used to obtain information, including admissions and confessions from an interviewee.

By learning and following the guidelines and practices discussed in this webinar you will enhance your reputation as a professional interviewer. In addition, you will be more successful in achieving your interview objectives.

  • $200.00

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