Decoding Complexity: The Intersection of Plain Language and AI
  • CODE : JSON-0008
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Level : Beginner
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Julie’s foray into the corporate realm marked the inception of her remarkable career. From instructional design to brand development, Julie’s expertise traversed diverse domains, leaving an indelible impact at every juncture. As an instructional facilitator at GRC EDUCATORS, Julie empowered professionals with mindfulness and behavioral health frameworks, fostering holistic well-being in the workplace. Simultaneously, her role as a Brand Ambassador for Genially and Community-Led Alliance showcased her prowess in fostering brand awareness and community engagement.

"Decoding Complexity: The Intersection of Plain Language and AI" explores the dynamic fusion of two powerful elements – the simplicity of plain language and the advanced capabilities of artificial intelligence. In this enlightening webinar, participants will uncover how AI technologies are revolutionizing communication by transforming complex information into clear, understandable content through the lens of plain language principles. Join us as we delve into the intersection where cutting-edge AI algorithms meet the art of simplification, unlocking new pathways for effective communication in the digital age. Dive deep into the realm where clarity meets innovation, and discover how this convergence is reshaping the way we engage with information and connect with our audiences.

Areas Covered

  • Content writing
  • Blogging
  • Social Media
  • Generative AI

Who Should Attend

  • UX Designers
  • Marketing Specialists
  • Communication Experts
  • Research
  • Educators

Why Should You Attend

  • Content Writers and Copywriters interested in leveraging AI tools for creating clear and concise content
  • User Experience (UX) Designers looking to optimize user interfaces with plain language principles enhanced by AI
  • Marketing Professionals aiming to improve the effectiveness of their messaging through the fusion of plain language and AI technology
  • Communication Specialists seeking to enhance internal and external communications using AI-driven plain language solutions
  • Researchers and Academics exploring the impact of AI on language simplification and comprehension

Topic Background

Basic knowledge of generative AI practices.

  • $160.00

Webinar Variants

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