Learn to Sort, Prioritize and Get Work Done Right in Your Inbox
  • CODE : KABR-0075
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Level : Intermediate
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Karla Brandau is a leading authority on personal and team productivity in the workplace. She specializes in combining the power of time management with technology, using Microsoft Outlook as a tool to help individuals “get it all done” in less time.

She is the CEO of Brandau Power Institute. She has educated managers with her proven time management and Microsoft Outlook productivity systems in companies such as Motorola, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Panasonic, and BYD America.

Her time management with Microsoft Outlook workbook, “Have More Day at the End of Your Day”, is a valuable guide for anyone wanting to know how to use the power of technology to leave work on time. She has also written 101 Time Management Tips for Busy Professionals and Email Survival Skills.

If the avalanche of email appearing in your Inbox every morning is sapping your motivation and slowing your progress toward your goals, attend this webinar and learn the secrets for stopping email from stifling your energy and suffocating your daily workflow.

You will learn the right techniques to stop email from entering your Inbox and for processing the emails that you permit to enter. The techniques help you dig out from the heavy load of tasks that arrive via email and help you work from a clean Inbox.

In addition to this core training, you will develop a proactive approach to email management that minimizes distractions and maximizes efficiency. You will leave with actionable strategies you can implement immediately leading to sustained improvements in your daily workflow. 

Learning Objectives

Part of the amazing results of this webinar is learning techniques for organizing email entering your Inbox. You’ll get ideas on how to effectively use a variety of Inbox views and learn how to:

  • Clear your Inbox every day
  • Handle work assigned to you via email
  • Use reminders effectively
  • Set up categories
  • Organize and search for emails you need to keep
  • Automatically move email to selected folders
  • Use the Dictate feature
  • Take advantage of Quick Steps
  • Set up Quick Parts
  • Integrate the Inbox with the To-Do Bar 
  • Set up column headings 
  • Learn how the Inbox integrates with Tasks and the Calendar

Register today and begin to take control of your Inbox. Tomorrow you’ll be working smarter, not harder. 

Who Should Attend

All leaders, managers, and supervisors who want to improve productivity in their organization and increase team results.

Professionals looking to improve their email management skills and individuals overwhelmed by their Inbox and looking for effective solutions.

Why Should You Attend

Prioritizing is a fundamental time management skill, and, in this webinar, you are taught the fundamental principles of prioritizing as you learn how to get work done right in your Inbox.

The principles taught rescue you from the daily avalanche of email dumping into your Inbox while helping you produce real results as you expedite email processing of tasks and assignments.

You will master methods to identify and prioritize high-impact emails with tasks embedded.

The techniques and tips save you precious minutes every day and help you leave work on time as you develop strategies to allocate time for email management without disrupting your workflow.

You'll be amazed at how many features the Outlook Inbox has that can help you organize, sort and prioritize email – enabling you to stay on top of urgent tasks and project deadlines.

Topic Background

In today's fast-paced work environment, managing your inbox effectively is crucial for productivity and success. This program, "Learn to Sort, Prioritize, and Get Work Done Right in Your Inbox," is designed to empower professionals with the skills and strategies needed to control and manage their email.

This webinar focuses on a critical skills for all professionals: learning how to streamline their inbox, prioritizing tasks, and ensuring that important work is completed on time. This program is suitable for professionals at all levels who want to enhance their productivity and reduce email-related stress.

  • $160.00

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