Unveiling the Formula for Success: Hidden Keys to Achieving Excellence
  • CODE : NEDD-0007
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Level : All
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Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, Ph.D. is a successful influencer in the public and private sectors. As a consultant, coach, and keynote speaker, she brings 30-plus years of global experience to leadership development, behavioral change, and human potential.

Dr. Dorothy is passionate about developing great leaders. She works with senior and emerging executives to amplify their leadership skills and drive viable/sustainable organizations with relevant, adaptable, centered, and authentic skills.

Her areas of expertise: Leadership/Sales Development, Behavioral Change, Business Strategy, Communication Skills, Diversity Coaching, C-Suite, Senior and High Potential Candidates.

Those who experience her presentations are drawn to her dynamic personality, hard-working values, tenacity, and accomplishments.

Business Background and Experience:

Dr. Dorothy has notable corporate and consulting experience. She has consulted in operations and strategic planning with extensive experience in sales/business development.

Her clients come from technology, manufacturing, financial, telecommunication, utilities, healthcare, and non-profit. She also has extensive experience with diversity and cultural values.

Dr. Dorothy brings her global contribution to the nonprofit sector, as well as to the board of organizations. She actively consults and contributes in leadership roles and learning styles.

In a world overflowing with advice on how to succeed, uncovering the true formula for success can seem like an elusive quest. However, there are hidden keys that, once discovered, can unlock pathways to excellence in various aspects of life. Join us for an enlightening webinar as we delve into these hidden keys and unveil the formula for achieving success.

Areas Covered

  • The Power of Mindset: Understand how mindset can influence your success and learn how to cultivate a mindset geared towards excellence.
  • Goal Setting and Planning: Discover effective strategies for setting and achieving your goals, both short-term and long-term.
  • Building Resilience: Learn how to bounce back from setbacks and challenges, and develop the resilience needed to thrive in today's fast-paced world.
  • Effective Time Allocation: Explore techniques for allocating your time more effectively, maximizing productivity, and achieving a better work-life balance.
  • Developing Strong Relationships: Understand the importance of building strong relationships in achieving success, and learn how to cultivate meaningful connections.

Who Should Attend

College students, Entry level, Team Leaders, Group leaders, Supervisors, Management, V.P., and business owners.

Why Should You Attend

This webinar is an inspiring resource for individuals seeking to improve themselves and achieve their goals from college students to those aspiring to climb the corporate ladder, grow or expand a business, or build a business from the ground up.

Topic Background

Unveiling the Formula for Success: Hidden Keys to Achieving Excellence" is a comprehensive guide designed to empower individuals with the essential tools and insights necessary to reach their full potential. Through a blend of practical strategies, psychological principles, and real-world examples, this webinar provides an overview of the key concepts to achieve excellence in any work environment, project, or endeavor.

  • $160.00

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