Effective Engagement in Times of Change and Uncertainty: Leadership Communication Skills and Strategies
  • CODE : MGOR-0013
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
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Mark Gorkin, MSW, LICSW, "The Stress Doc" ™, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, is an acclaimed keynote speaker, webinar presenter, and "Motivational Psychohumorist” known for his Get FIT – FUN-Interactive-Thought-provoking – programs for both government agencies and major corporations. In conjunction with Legal Estrin Staffing and Ijona Skills Academy, the Doc has led Stress Resilience/COVID-19 Webinars and an HR/Legal/Manager Support Groups, and continues to lead Stress and Team Resilience, Anger/Conflict Management, Diversity/Inclusion, and Team Building programs. Mark is also a part-time Psychotherapist for the Washington, DC mental health clinic, Inner City Family Services.  He has been a Stress/ Critical Incident Consultant for the Nepali Community and government agencies in the BWI area. He has run numerous Stress Resilience and Team Building Leadership Retreats for the US Army. Mark is definitely battle-tested as a former Stress and Violence Prevention Consultant for the US Postal Service. The Doc is the author of Practice Safe Stress, The Four Faces of Anger, and Preserving Human Touch in a Hi-Tech World. See his award-winning, USA Today Online "HotSite" – www.stressdoc.com – called a "workplace resource" by National Public Radio (NPR).

We live in a wired, 24/7 world that's often cycling between "do more with less" or "lean-and-MEAN" reorganizing and ever faster upgrading while demanding higher levels of transparency and accountability. And these days, especially, it can feel like we are spinning scarily out of control. Hey, today it’s less a matter of “downsizing” or “rightsizing” than it is of sheer “fright sizing!” Not surprisingly, managing morale and uncertainty, while maintaining high performance along with productive team communication and cooperation is on the mind of every effective leader, manager and supervisor. And of course, this is especially vital when companies and organizations are undergoing significant transitions or are grappling with challenging operational, policy and budgetary issues.

Have no fear Mark Gorkin, the "Stress Doc" ™ is here with his dynamic and interactive, inspiring and FUN-filled presentation and small group/team-building exercises.

Learn concepts and models, tips and problem-solving exercises for both controlling stress and communicating understanding and objective optimism, especially during times of change. Discover the Stress Doc’s CPRS Method for truly engaging, connecting and winning over employees. Gain “empathically assertive” tools and techniques for managing anger and defusing self-defeating conflict or disarming dysfunctional power struggles with a variety of difficult personalities. Let the author of the books Practice Safe Stress and The Four Faces of Anger guide you in the process of channeling transitional stress and tension into individual and team hardiness. You and your team, department or division will transform frustration into safe sharing, cooperative action and playful and high performing teamwork.

Areas Covered

  • Discover How Transitional Stress Impacts Manager Empathy and Communication Skills
  • Recognize the “Eight ‘F’s of Loss and Change”: Psycho Social Dynamics and Exercise
  • Learn the CPRS Method of Active Listening and Empathic Engagement
  • Practice the Difference between Assertive “I” and Blaming “You” Messages
  • Discover an IDEAL Method for Constructive Confrontation
  • Learn to Transform Self-Defeating Power Struggles into Trust-Building Encounters
  • Discover the Thomas-Kilmann Styles Inventory
  • Structures and Strategies for Facilitating “Helmet’s Off” Teaming

Who Should Attend

This webinar is for anyone who wants to be a more engaging and effective high-impact communicator – as a listener, questioner, and deliverer of Hi-Tech and Human Touch messages – in any professional and personal arena. The webinar provides “hands on” engagement tools, techniques and strategies for all levels of formal and informal leaders. This program is for the professional who wants to be a role model and inspiring example for others

Why Should You Attend

This webinar is for all supervisors and managers, and future leaders, who want to learn the foundations of respectful and engaging communication, especially in challenging times.  Participants will recognize how stress impacts the communication patterns of all levels of employees. Managers have to operate in a world that’s always on and often distracting. Asking good questions, strengthening one’s listening skills, acknowledging feedback, and learning to replace Blaming “You” Messages with Assertive “I” Messages become critical motivation and engagement tools. To sustain attention, performance focus, and team morale a leader must engage the head and the heart, have a high-task and human touch perspective. He or she must know how to be “TnT – Tough and Tender,” to be authentic, vulnerable, and fearless. This program is also for those desiring tools and techniques for being authentic, high impact-communicators whether one-on-one, at a team or all-hands meeting, in a boardroom or at a conference.

  • $200.00

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