How to Read and Understand an Annual Report
  • CODE : MILE-0048
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
  • Refer a Friend

Miles Hutchinson is an experienced businessman with specialties in accounting, finance and strategic planning. He has been an auditor with PriceWaterhouseCoopers and the Chief Financial Officer of a one billion dollar real estate development company. Miles is a highly sought after professional speaker and consultant who has presented over 2900 seminars and training sessions on a myriad of business and financial topics, including tax, financial analysis and financial modeling, accounting matters, strategic planning, and compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Among his clients are, Abbott Labs, Bank of America, Boston Scientific, Burger King, Citicorp, Corning, the FBI, the FDA, the Federal Reserve, GE, Harmon, Home Depot, Pfizer, Siemens, Sonic, the U.S. Marine Corps, and the U.S. Army.

How did your business perform last year? How did the competition do? What’s the trend in their key business data over the last two years? How can this information help you identify the key things you need to focus on in the upcoming year? Do you struggle with the language of business? How well do you understand terms like, Balance Sheet, Income Statement, P&L, Operations Statement, Cash Flow, MD&A, Business Risk, Top Line Growth, Gross Margin, Gross Profit, Return on Capital, Liquidity, Financial Leverage, EBITDA, Cash flow from Operations, Free Cash Flow, etc.? Grab a cup of coffee and join us to learn how to read and understand an annual report and use this intel to assess the financial condition, results of operations and the cash flows of any company. Join C-suites, business analysts and investors from around the globe and empower your team to maximize the benefit from your crystal clear understanding of the numbers.

Areas Covered

  • Explain the Balance Sheet also known as the Statement of Financial Condition
  • Dissect the Income Statement, also known as the P&L or Results of Operations Statement
  • Demystify the Statement of Cash Flows
  • Understand why the accounting and reporting rules require the use of Accrual Accounting
  • Discover who the rule makers are and how reporting differs for companies organized under the laws of other countries
  • Review the components of the annual report of a prominent publicly traded company and learn how to use this wealth of information to evaluate financial health, strength, risk profile and performance
  • Learn about resources available to advance your learning

Who Should Attend

  • Nonfinancial Executives
  • Board Members
  • Business Advisors
  • Business Unit Managers
  • Department Managers
  • Budget Managers
  • Accounting Managers
  • Accounting Staff
  • Bank Managers
  • Loan Officers
  • HR Managers
  • IT Managers
  • Risk Managers
  • Information Reporting Officers
  • Compliance Officers
  • Compliance Managers

Why Should You Attend

Accounting and finance is supposed to be the international language of business. If so, then why do we struggle so much to make sense of the numbers? Are we so busy managing our business and leading our staff, that we don’t have time to wade through the financials, discover the trends, draw proper conclusions and take appropriate action? What if our peers, or worse, our competition understands our numbers better than we do? In this session, Miles Hutchinson, experienced accounting and finance expert and business adviser, will explain how to quickly and introduce you to the financial reporting of public and private companies!

Topic Background

Since the beginning of commerce, businesses have struggled to manage and grow with discipline. One of the core principles is an understanding of numbers. “How did the company do last year and compared to the prior year?” “How much cash is available to finance growth?” “Does the company need to raise more capital and what if they change their debt or equity positions?” “How profitable is a certain product line or distribution channel?” “How do we determine when our investment is no longer providing an adequate return on our investment?” These are very important questions which require a strong understanding of the numbers.

  • $200.00

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