Leading and Managing Change: Key Skills and Techniques For Success
  • CODE : STME-0018
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
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Steven G. Meilleur, Ph.D. is President and CEO of PRAXIS Management Solutions, LLC, a virtual training, and consulting firm with a team of expert, and experienced associates specializing in human resources, organizational management,  risk management, strategic and operational planning, Organizational Development, and more, in the public, private for-profit, and private non-profit sectors.

He also serves as Sr. Vice-President of Risk Services – HR & Employment, for Poms & Associates, leading a team providing consulting and other support services to clients nationwide in human resources and employment matters.  With more than 40 years of experience as a working professional, among other positions he has held Dr. Meilleur has served as the HR Director for the City of Rio Rancho, NM, Director of the State Bar of NM’s Center for Legal Education, and HR Team Leader for Plains Electric G&T Cooperative. 

His experience in HR management is in the public, private for-profit, and private non-profit sectors, having served in executive and other management positions. He received his BA in English Literature and Education at Bucknell University, and his Executive MBA & Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico.

He is also a Lecturer on the faculty of the UNM graduate School of Public Administration, teaching in the areas of human resource management, leadership, organizational behavior, strategy and change, and NPO management.

Especially in this post COVID-19 world, organizations will not only face increasing struggles in handling their ongoing and upcoming change initiatives, but now they also need to deal with the forced changes that were introduced by the Pandemic.

First and foremost, organizations will need to address the changing landscape of the workplace with a dramatic and permanent increase in remote-work and virtual environments. These changes will introduce challenges including work practices, conditions, communication, technologies, collaboration, and productivity, that will apply downward pressure on performance.

While each new workplace disruption comes with its own new set of structures, systems, and processes, leading change successfully is about more than just managing what’s happening that’s just half of the change equation. The other half is leading people through the change, because while processes require management, people require leadership

How do you improve the odds of success? You need change leaders who can understand and navigate both halves of the change equation: both people and process.

Areas Covered

  • Key foundational change concepts
  • How to help employees adapt in changing situations
  • Ways to overcome resistance to change
  • Tools managers may use to effectively enact change
  • Putting together an effective change management plan
  • Identify key stakeholders you need to engage in the change process
  • Build, reinforce, and sustain momentum

Who Should Attend

NPO Board members, NPO Executive Directors, HR professionals, Managers, Supervisors, Team leaders

Why Should You Attend

It is essential that leaders understand the importance of change leadership; that leadership is leading change. “If you are not leading change, you are not leading anything. You are just managing the status quo.”

Too many leaders forget that change is all about people, and we humans don’t change just because we are told to – we only change if we want to. A leader’s job is to help their people to want to change.

Topic Background

Research tells us that 7 out of 8 change initiatives fail. And the reasons are two-fold – leadership and culture. If you want your next change initiative to be the 1 in 8 that succeeds, you will need to help your leaders address both of these business-critical issues.

  • $200.00

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