7 Strategies for CEO Success You Need Now
  • CODE : REBE-0052
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
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Rebecca Staton-Reinstein, PhD, and president of Advantage Leadership, Inc. has worked with leaders around the world who want engaged employees to increase bottom-line results and delight customers through collaborative leadership, strategic planning, culture change, and team development. Rebecca has contributed to organizational success as a manager and executive. As a consultant she mentored leaders through major change, working with them to craft customized, successful solutions to complex issues in all economic sectors. She is the author of several books on strategic leadership and planning and holds a PhD in organizational development and has been honored for her work on 4 continents.

There are many "models" and "theories" of leadership. At the heart of all leadership lies the ability to set direction and inspire and encourage people to go in that direction. Each leader must find his or her own authentic voice and self to do this. Many of the leaders I interviewed, who form the basis for the case studies in this webinar, have studied great leaders from history and have had great mentors, who help shape their styles. Leaders have drive, ambition, humility, and stamina. They execute long-term strategies while remaining flexible in their short-term tactics to further progress. Leadership is not for the faint-of-heart. Leadership is for those with a strong heart. You will learn from experienced leaders and their successful approaches summed up in these key areas.

  • Strategy = Sustainability; Execution beats strategy every time
  • Mission ain't wishin'
  • See your values walking down the hall
  • Wanna' lead change? Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
  • When you mess up, fess up
  • Get on the same side of the wall to solve problems
  • Expect the unexpected

Areas Covered

  • Setting direction: vision, mission, strategic planning, and implementation
  • Mission drives daily action and decision making; Converting goals into results
  • Internalizing Values individually and as a team to drive the numbers
  • Communicating up, down, sideways, internally, externally; Your consistent message drives change
  • Leaders admit to mistakes immediately, take responsibility, and lead correction
  • Build a team to use conflict constructively and courageously to solve problems and end the blame game
  • Forget firefighting mode. Plan for risk – prevent or contingency plan; develop strategy and action plan to lead through unexpected events, crises, and unforeseen risks.

Who Should Attend   

  • CEO
  • Executives
  • Managers and Supervisors at every level
  • Aspiring Leaders

Why Should You Attend

Leading any organization is fraught with peril from internal and external sources. You are under enormous pressure and the direction, success, and survival of your organization rest on your shoulders. People look to you for leadership and challenge your leadership. If you thrive in this environment, if you are driven to bring your organization to greater success, if you believe this takes the entire team pulling in the same direction, you have the essential starting ingredients for successful leadership. This program provides case studies of successful leaders in many different fields, whose track records demonstrate the leadership essentials you want to hone. If you are committed to continuous growth, self-examination, and creating a positive environment for your team and organization, you are ready to make these lessons part of your own vision, mission, and values.

Topic Background

Folks like to argue about whether leaders are born or made. This is a false choice. Yes, the combo of your DNA and experience contributes to your success as a leader. Leadership is also self-conscious. Successful leaders never stop learning and growing, acquiring new skills, honing talents, and looking for ways to harness all their traits to make a positive difference in their organizations. Leaders are humans who never forget they can be wrong, make mistakes, and take the wrong path. Leaders differentiate themselves by the way they learn from every situation, adversity or opportunity.

  • $200.00

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