Effective Communication Skills: It’s Not What You Say, But How You Say It!
  • CODE : BRLE-0012
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
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As an international event speaker, coach, MC and author, Bruce Lee brings the experience of solid business leadership and entrepreneur /ownership background from a good cross-section of the industry for 40 + years.

  • Charter Bank branch management and Alberta Manager for the VISA credit card Division of a Canadian Bank,
  • Senior marketing representative for a fully integrated Canadian oil and gas company, charged with increasing market share and building new service stations
  • Senior executive recruiter with an office in England
  • Owned, managed and operated a 24 hour a day, 365 days a year retail convenience store and gas bar business
  • As an implementation and marketing specialist for Custom Learning Systems, he enjoys working with health care clients all across North America and is developing a new platform that supports immediate patient feedback with their caregivers
  • On a personal note, he is very active at the Board level in community and sports organizations, manages successful election campaigns, and is a regular blood donor - 508 times and still counting!

Bruce has been providing education keynotes, workshops and webinars all across North America full time for the past 30 years. Bruce is passionate about working with individuals and organizations to get the results they need to grow their careers and enhance their business success. He shares practical, real-life examples of the most current topics people need, and each presentation includes a variety of complimentary additional resources, articles, and tools to support the content and measure skill levels. Recent clients include health care organizations, education systems, accounting, and CEO groups.

The focus is always on improving engagement and teambuilding with the added value of aligning corporate strategy to create high-performance employees. The results are increased productivity for individuals, departments, and organizations; higher profitability; and increased customer and client satisfaction. Above all, the intent of every presentation is to ensure the implementation of the ideas and strategies to move people ahead with a realizable return on their education event investment.

In 2016 Bruce published his first book: Why Trust Me? Making Trust Your Competitive Edge. A free PDF version of this book is one of the many complimentary resources Bruce offers at the conclusion of every webinar. There is also a very special series of complementary resources offered if you are in health care, be it a hospital, clinic, long term care or an Association.

Effective communication is about really listening to others without any blinders on, eliminating the gossip and rumor mill, reducing the causes of turnover by providing timely and appropriate recognition, leading employees through changes by transparency, correcting the poor performers by coaching them and setting the standards in highly adhered to on-boarding and training standards.

All we have in common with anyone and everyone else is this skill called communication. It matters that we say it right and that the listener hears it right. With multi-generational and multi-cultural workforces these days, it is important you get it correct the first time. Communication is not a 50/50 proposition of you asking and accepting any response, it is 100% of you being accountable for getting the information / questions/ request across, having it understood and then getting an agreement back of what is being communicated – verbally, be it face to face, on the phone, electronically or in writing. Effective communication is so much more than one person talking and telling, with no opportunity to reply back. The respectful conversation includes how you sound to others, the words you use, the accuracy of what you say, the intent to be positive and the attention you give the other person. We need to say it with persuasion. To speak up, and be heard.

Learning Objectives    

  • 7 Winning Characteristics in Communication
  • How to improve communication
  • Problems in communication
  • 3 words that wreck communication
  • Good and bad habits in communication
  • Understanding how we communicate
  • Non-verbal communication
  • Strong communication
  • The art of ‘Question Power” and listening skills
  • 8 Power approaches to communication
  • Impact – Influencing and rapport
  • How to A.S.K. for Clarity
  • Left Brain – Right Brain thinking

Course Level- Intermediate

Who Should Attend

This is for anyone who wants to improve how they communicate with anyone and everyone.  This focuses on ways to connect more effectively and get your message across. It is about hearing and to be heard. Listening with positive intent and clarity in responses.  

Why Should You Attend

In this presentation, you will develop a strategy of communication success that includes identifying someone’s preferred communication style so you can meet them where they are communicating from, see all the tools you have available to communicate more effectively, adapt sound negotiating tactics that generate results, and learn what the signs of your strengths and weakness are.

Topic Background

Miscommunication is the #1 cause of workplace conflict, production errors, low morale, customer and employee complaints, and poor teamwork. To be effective at work you need to speak up, be heard and have your messages acted upon. When you do, you create that quality called trust, which is the engine of high performance.

  • $200.00

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