How to Exit Fight and Flight Mode
  • CODE : YOKE-0001
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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Yoke van Dam has been called the Kintsugi queen™ because of her ability to join, repair and transform teams into something quite wonderful. Her work is like Kintsugi, the Japanese art form that mends broken pottery with gold. Yoke works with teams that may have become disjointed, to reconnect and -find their flow again. This approach helps leaders stay optimistic when they encounter flaws and missteps in their organizations leading them to the gold at the 'end of the rainbow.’ As a qualified behavioral change coach with veri-fiable in-the-eld experience (2000+ team members, 2 300+ hours training, and 350+ coaching hours) she’s eminently suited to uncover the real issues holding teams back. Her hard-won experience (15 years) and tried and tested high-performance processes have seen even the most under-performing and fractured teams join together and become stronger and more remarkable.

She works with leaders who want to effectively articulate and communicate their vision so that their teams buy into it and are prepared to follow them to hell and back to make sure that vision is achieved, as well as new, untested leaders who need a strong foundational roadmap of how to work with and lead teams to successful outcomes.

Her advisory, speaking, and coaching work empowers leaders and teams to create meaningful workspaces by tapping into their purpose and enhancing human connection. She empowers leaders and teams with confidence and influence, to find their flow and develop a growth mindset. The specific areas she focuses on are Leadership development, Culture, Emotional intelligence, Time-management, Negotiation, Communication, and Presentation skills.

Her clients have been as diverse as sales executives, business leaders and owners, customer service agents, marketers, lawyers, engineers, and accountants. The industries she has covered range from automotive, retail, manufacturing, and engineering to advertising, publishing, legal, and academic. She is the founder of Y-Connect and a Professional member of the Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa (PSASA). 

Her Emotional Intelligence program, and Women in Leadership for Executives have been offered in Canada, Dubai, Egypt, South Africa and is scheduled for Malaysia.

Have you ever been in a situation where a client started shouting at the staff? It could have been at a restaurant, at a car dealership or even at a doctor's office. When people "lose' it in the real world, we label them as unprofessional.

We are less willing to do business with them, work for them, or invest in their business. When your buttons get pushed for too long, it might trigger you to start fighting. The moment we feel "attacked' most people tend to go into "Fight or Flight mode'.

The Amygdala (Reptilian) brain has been accessed, and the resulting behaviour is beyond their control. What's scary about this place is that you feel in the same amount of danger as someone who is about to be attacked by a predator.

This is incredibly dangerous territory for your business to be in. This is the place where staff resigns, contracts get canceled, and money gets lost.

Join us at: How to exit fight and flight mode, to learn practical Emotional intelligence and Positive psychology tools that can help you regulate your own emotions and diffuse triggers of your clients.

Areas Covered

  • Self-awareness-how to identify your own state
  • Knowing your triggers
  • How to break your state
  • How to reframe your thoughts
  • System 1 and System 2 thinking
  • Mirroring and the value of energy and tone of voice
  • Flexibility and the importance of change
  • Keeping your eye on the ball
  • Neuroscience techniques to pre-empt potential triggers
  • How to diffuse a difficult situation

Who Should Attend

Client-facing teams. Social media managers, HR teams and managers, customer service, IT support, Managers in high-pressure environments, Marketing and sales teams

  • Do your staff feel safe in your company? Or do they know you will throw them under the bus when something goes wrong?
    Why Should You Attend
  • You will learn how to identify your own triggers.
  • You will learn how to quickly calm yourself down and others.
  • Practical Emotional intelligence techniques to get into a resourceful state.
  • You will be able to speak to tough customers online, over the phone, or in person and calm them down while resolving the real issues. Protect the reputation of your business, by ensuring that your team doesn’t lose their cool and can access their logical brain.

Why Should You Attend

As a business owner and leader ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you congruent? Is what you say, do, and feel aligned? Can your staff trust you and do your actions speak for themselves?
  • Do you understand your own trigger points, and can you calm yourself down?
  • Do you pick up on the moods in the office?
  • How clearly do you communicate your ideas?
  • How do you handle conflict?

Topic Background

While working in the advertising industry and then training teams in the Car industry she noticed that tempers would often get out of hand. And teams would walk around on eggshells around each other, in order not to trigger anyone.

This keynote was designed to help teams to calm themselves down but also calm down their clients when they get triggered. This has been very helpful to teams including legal teams, sales teams, social media teams, accounting, customer service, and IT support who deal with irate customers.

  • $200.00

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