Keeping Your Mind Clear and Calm In The Middle Of Chaos
  • CODE : NAEF-0001
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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Paula Naeff is a Leadership & Performance Coach, a guide, sounding board and facilitator for transformation to her clients. She is a professional speaker, who makes her audiences smile. Her energy and joy are contagious.

Paula is originally from Finland and now based in Switzerland. She has lived on three continents and is serving clients worldwide.

Paula serves powerfully using her superpower, which is listening. She is a mother, entrepreneur, certified Business Coach and Consultant and  aPilates instructor. She has a BA in Business and visual Arts, trained in classical ballet, and a former Credit Manager and Clown. Life is her biggest training ground.

Paula serves openly and authentically with passion. Her purpose is to help others and her mission is to bring clarity and joy to leadership worldwide, which will create positive change in workplaces. The goal is to prevent burnout and mental illnesses.

The world might seem like a chaotic place. Your business or company, your home or social circles at times feel like they are out of control. At least out of your control. You might feel like all you can do is be a bystander.

This workshop is simple, practical and fun. You’ll learn valuable ways to clear your mind, whenever this is needed. Whether it is while having to make important decisions or just so you can create some head space and take your stress levels down a bit.

At the core is the idea that the answers to any situation are already within you. It’s the innate wisdom that all of us humans inherently carry. We will work on creating trust within yourself and build a toolbox of creative ways to remain calm and clear regardless of what happens in the outside world. You are the captain of your ship.

You’ll walk away with confidence and a feeling of standing on solid ground. Smiling and simply feeling good.

Areas Covered 

  • Clarity vs. chaos
  • Knowing you can choose your response
  • Importance of a vision
  • Clearing the mind methods
  • Importance of Joy

Who Should Attend

Leaders, CEO, C-level, Managers, Entrepreneurs

Why Should You Attend

You feel like a lot  in your life is out of your control. Things seem to be taking place and you have no time to prepare. You simply react, and sometimes your reactions end up having the ‘wrong’ consequences. Something you did not wish for.

The fear of uncertainty is big, especially when you feel like you have no time to consider an appropriate response to changes taking place.

There are ways and methods you can adopt that help you take back the controls. Help you stay confident and calm. You can choose your responses instead of reacting out of fear and confusion.

Topic Background

The world is spinning faster every day, it seems. Big changes take place at remarkable speed. Distractions are everywhere. How do you keep calm, clear and focused in the middle of all this?

  • $200.00

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