Making Peace and Starting to Overcome Past Trauma
  • CODE : STBR-0003
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Refer a Friend

Steve Brookes and his business partner, Serena Ittoo, work to help women and professionals with overwhelmed with feelings of anxiety, self-doubt and stress eliminate the root cause holding them back, enabling them to live a life they love. Steve and Serena support this transformation by providing the tools needed to help work through their emotions and develop rock solid confidence in who they authentically are.

Steve and Serena are both Master NLP Practitioners and through their business, Expressing Your Authentic Self, they specialize in (all areas relating to) self-confidence and self-esteem, and guide clients to embrace, explore and be excited to show who they are with confidence! Steve and Serena help clients to reawaken The Confident Version of Themselves so they can begin to speak up and live and breathe the confidence they need to obtain the life they really want.

This is further supported by the skills, knowledge and awareness Steve has gained through his own struggles and journey in life. This has helped Steve to firstly change his life for the better as he’s become more confident, developed more skills and become more effective in his life and growing his business, helping more clients to transform their lives.

Triggers from traumatic experiences generating anxiety, depression etc. vary widely between individuals. Current problems in your life may build up and trigger an overwhelming amount of unhelpful emotions as well as health issues that cause an emotional and mental barrier which stops you from living a healthy, balanced and fulfilling life.

It is worth noting that very strong triggers are often set from a past experience or trauma where a situation or people bring up the same feelings of anxiety again, in an extreme form this can be an anxiety attack or even a more extreme experience such as PTSD.

In this webinar we will look into triggers and factors which are involved in trauma based anxiety.

These include: Past or childhood experiences

For example, difficult experiences in childhood, adolescence or adulthood are a common trigger for anxiety problems. Going through stress and trauma when you're very young is likely to have a particularly big impact. Experiences which can trigger anxiety problems include things like:

  • Physical or emotional abuse
  • Neglect
  • Losing a parent
  • Being bullied or being socially excluded
  • Experiencing racism
  • Having parents who don't treat you warmly or are overprotective can also be a factor

Your current life situation

For example:

  • Lots of change or uncertainty
  • Feeling under pressure while studying or in work
  • Long working hours
  • Being out of work
  • Financial concern
  • Housing problems and homelessness
  • Worrying about the environment or natural disasters (sometimes called climate anxiety or eco-anxiety)
  • Losing someone close to you (sometimes called bereavement)
  • Feeling lonely or isolated
  • Being abused, bullied, or harassed, including experiencing racism
  • Physical or mental health problems

For example:

  • Physical health problems – living with a serious, ongoing or life-threatening physical health condition can sometimes trigger anxiety.
  • Other mental health problems – it's also common to develop anxiety while living with other mental health problems, such as depression.
    Drugs and medication

For example:

  • Some psychiatric medications
  • some medications for physical health problems
  • Recreational drugs and alcohol

Areas Covered

In this webinar, we will look into triggers and factors which are involved in trauma based anxiety. These include:

  • Past or childhood experiences
  • Your current life situation
  • Physical or mental health problems
  • Drugs and medication

We will then look into how you can start the process of making peace with that past experience and personal history.

You will be guided through proven techniques and strategies to help you to ease any past triggers of anxiety  from traumatic experiences

Who Should Attend

People who have experienced a highly stressful traumatic experience or experiences that they are struggling to accept and move forwards from due to the overwhelming impact this has had on their life.

Why Should You Attend

Some common factors that can be potential causes of trauma based anxiety are:

  • Stress
  • Personality type
  • Trauma
  • Racism
  • Medical causes
  • Life events
  • Health issues
  • The use of some substances, such as drugs or caffeine
  • Lifestyle factors, such as financial worries
  • Either being alone or being with a lot of people
  • Conflict
  • Reminders of past trauma

If you can relate to any of these factors, then join this webinar where Speaker will guide you to start making peace and begin to overcome your pasta trauma or triggers which are holding you back.

  • $200.00

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