Managing You Managing this Change!
  • CODE : SAND-0005
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Refer a Friend

Sandra Crowe, MA, PCC, the author of Since Strangling Isn't an Option (Perigee,’99, ‘08), and “I Didn’t Sign Up for This!: 7 Strategies for Dealing With Difficulty in Difficult Times”(Two Harbors Press, 2012) is a professional speaker, trainer, coach, and facilitator. Her focus is to impart communications skills to create awareness of ineffective behaviors and to move people and teams forward in their mission. Topics include: “How to Win in Difficult Interactions”, “Mindfulness: Moving from Chaos to Calm”, “Presenting to Diverse Audiences: From Nerves to Navigation”, “Three Fixes for the Five Team Dysfunctions”, “Dealing With Different  Personality Types”,  “What to Say to a Difficult Customer” Past clients include: The Executive Office of the President, National Association of Female Executives, Wireless Infrastructure Association,

National Older Workers Career Center, Social Security Administration, FBI, Dept. of Agriculture, Marriott, Sony Corp., Southland Corp, Citicorp, The Discovery Channel, Sears, The Census Bureau, Union Labor Life Insurance, NASA and Depts. of Army &Navy, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Past Media Includes: NPR, CBS Morning News, To Tell the Truth, ABC7, WBAL-Baltimore, WUSA9, The Washington Post, The New York Times, LA Times, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, Woman’s World, Men’s Health, Dr. Toni Grant, WHUR, and To Tell the Truth(Will the real Sandra Crowe please stand up).

Sandra has a passion for International Culture having lived in West Africa and spent time in Israel, Europe, Mexico, Central and South America and having driven from her home in Washington, DC to El Salvador.  

We are all experiencing changes right now, not only ones that we didn’t sign up for, but in many ways ones that symbolize a loss as well as a gain. This session will unpack what the losses are, how we deal with them, as well as how to focus on and embellish the gains that are embedded within the losses. It will help you think about ways to maximize this moment, seize opportunities and come out of this in a more resilient manner. It will also go over strategies for how to be more resilient in the face of change, what practices to bring in, how to think in new ways, and how to interpret what’s changing around you.

  • How to gain resilience when you are also experiencing loss?
  • What to do when you don’t know what to do?
  • Techniques for bringing fear down and feeling more relaxed no matter what
  • Creating your inner palace of possibilities, no matter what is happening outside
  • Experience mindfulness exercises to bring you more into the present moment and take you out of worry
  • Understand the value of asking the right questions so that you can move your thinking in the direction you want it to go, rather than how your mind does
  • Expand your appreciation for what, so you are less focused on how things should be
  • Feel more possibility and excitement about what’s next

Learning Objectives

To support participants in creating the right mindset around dealing with change on a daily basis, at work and in your home environment.

Who Should Attend

Anyone dealing with change will benefit.

Why You Should Attend

If you are having challenges in dealing with change you’ve initiated or change placed upon you at work or home, then this session is for you. It will talk about many aspects of change and how to approach change with a more open and uplifting attitude.

  • $200.00

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