Amid Global Conflict and Crisis, Leaders Must Recommit to Employee Listening
  • CODE : KURT-0006
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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Hulya Kurt- after 32 years of working within a multinational company in different roles, ranging from middle management to senior, Hulya Kurt chose to follow her passion of becoming a coach, mentor and workshop facilitator. She motivates and empowers company management teams and their employees to move forward in their professional life.

Through using powerful questioning techniques, a strong sense of empathy and intuition, she provides impactful results with clear communication, presentations, and facilitation strategy.

Using her deep knowledge in assisting you in positioning yourself incorporates, leveraging her experience of starting from entry level to Global Senior roles.

She can do and positive perspective and she can motivate and energize people.

It emphasizes the importance of recommitting to the practice of employee listening as a fundamental leadership responsibility. The focus is on understanding that during the challenges,  leaders must prioritize the voices and concerns of their employees.

This involves creating channels for open dialogue, demonstrating empathy, and taking actionable steps to address the workforce's needs. The workshop aims to highlight that a one-size-fits-all approach to leadership is ineffective in such challenging times and that tailored strategies are necessary to ensure the well-being and productivity of teams.

It underscores the idea that by actively listening to and engaging with their employees, leaders can foster a supportive and inclusive workplace culture, which is crucial for navigating through periods of uncertainty and change.

Areas Covered 

  • What is active listening?
  • How can we listen actively?
  • What will happen if we don’t
  • Role Plays and practice.
  • Implementation and adoption 
  • We need to practice being able to listen on a 360-degree level

Who Should Attend

Leaders, Manager, and teams

Why Should You Attend

This workshop will equip leaders with the tools and strategies necessary to effectively engage in employee listening, which is a cornerstone of inclusive leadership. By attending, leaders will learn how to:

  • Foster a culture of trust and openness, where employees feel valued and heard
  • Navigate sensitive conversations and address concerns with empathy and understanding
  • Identify and mitigate issues before they escalate, maintaining team cohesion and morale
  • Adapt leadership styles to better suit the evolving needs of their workforce
  • Implement practical listening frameworks that can be integrated into daily operations

Ultimately, this workshop is about empowering leaders to build stronger, more resilient teams that can withstand the pressures of a challenging global landscape. It's an investment in the human capital of the organization, which is arguably the most critical asset during times of uncertainty.

Topic Background

In a world with conflict and crisis, leaders are facing unprecedented challenges that can significantly impact their organizations and the performance and well-being of their employees.

During such turmoil, it's crucial for leaders to remain connected with their workforce, understanding their concerns, and fostering an environment of open communication. Employee listening becomes more than just a managerial task; it's a strategic imperative that can make the difference between a resilient organization and one that falters under pressure.

By recommitting to employee listening, leaders can gain valuable insights into the morale, engagement, and well-being of their teams, which is essential for navigating through turbulent times. This approach not only helps in addressing immediate issues but also strengthens the organization's culture, promoting trust and loyalty that are vital for long-term success.

Listening is the number one leadership trait and an imperative for successful businesses.

  • $200.00

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