Keeping the Human in Human Resources: How to Use Artificial Intelligence Intelligently
  • CODE : GREC-0031
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
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Dr. Chartier is the Principal of HRinfo4u, a human resource consulting firm and a well-known educator and speaker. As a consultant, he works with organizations to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their human resource function. He has worked extensively in designing, developing and implementing human resource program, procedures and systems for smaller and mid-size firms up and down the Hudson Valley

Greg is a thought-provoking professional speaker and his wisdom and insights into management and leadership make him an electrifying speaker and seminar leader.  His seminars are customized to reinforce company mission, vision, values and culture and the content is practical for team leaders, managers, supervisors and executives alike.

Dr. Chartier has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, an MBA in Finance and a PhD in Human Resources. He is a National Member of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and is certified by the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) as a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) and a Global Professional in Human Resources (GPHR) as well as a Senior Certified Professional (SCP) by SHRM.

He served on the Board of the local SHRM Chapter, the Westchester Human Resources Management Association (WHRMA), as the Treasurer for nine years. In addition, Greg served on the Board of the Business Council of Westchester in a variety of capacities and continues his service as the Chair of the Human Resources Council. Dr. Chartier also serves on the Board of the Child Care Council of Westchester.

He works with the Continuing and Professional Education Program at Pace University and is a member of the faculty of the New York Medical College, where he teaches in the Masters’ in Public Health Program

He is the author of What Law Did You Break Today? A guide to the federal laws and regulations that employers must comply with.

This webinar has been approved for 1.50 HR (General) recertification credit hours toward aPHR™, aPHRi™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™, and SPHRi™ recertification through HR Certification Institute® (HRCI®). Please make note of the activity ID number on your recertification application form. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit the HR Certification Institute website at
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It would take weeks to gather and analyze the same quantity of data manually that AI processes can accomplish in seconds. In today’s fast-moving business environment, speed is critical for the following reasons:

  • Empowering faster decisions at the right times to generate business opportunities
  • Getting accurate information quickly
  • Facilitating pattern recognition to spot trends
  • Accelerating all company processes
  • Learning from past mistakes and successes

Artificial intelligence comes in narrow and strong levels, but most AI systems can be classified into three categories: voice recognition, bots, and algorithms. There are actually many kinds of artificial intelligence that can range from calculating autoimmune system performance to automating physical systems, but the three major areas that concern HR are voice recognition, robot automation, and algorithms.

Most research suggests that there is little to fear from intelligent AI systems developing human traits like love, hate, greed, and ambition because these are human emotions. Narrow-based AI functions are ideal for compiling data in HR systems such as verifying information, researching specific areas, and solving other task-specific problems.

Voice Recognition

This type of AI can convert text into words and vice versa, search Internet sites, videos, podcasts, and broadcasts for key phrases and subjects and deliver the information automatically to other analytic programs and on-demand in the preferred format of speech or text.

Your AI personal assistants usually employ this technology. The primary function of voice recognition, however, is to trigger actions based on voice commands, such as opening a file, website, or program, adjusting environmental controls, controlling household and office devices, and other simple command functions.


The major search engines employ bots to search the Internet for keyword phrases. The usefulness of bots extends to learning, chatting, asking questions, giving directions, recalculating routes, and other useful functions. Car navigation systems typically use these artificial intelligence systems.

Current AI systems can learn, but they have a long way to go before they can solve complex logic problems. Even the simplest decision involves thousands of variables, but consider how often you look for a single dataset in a database. AI can accelerate finishing repetitive searching tasks exponentially.

AI Algorithms

AI algorithms are step-by-step instructions that guide AI functions. Sophisticated algorithms can be set to automate many HR functions such as gathering business intelligence, disseminating information to the right stakeholders, monitoring key performance benchmarks, and tracking outside interests and social media activity of employees and recruitment prospects.

Data collection is critical for HR, and AI software can automate complex tasks such as gathering information from multiple contact points, segregating employees and HR problems into profiles, and training teams to use data to the fullest potential. The HR benefits of artificial intelligence include:

  • Empowering virtual assistants through data collection and distribution
  • Increasing employee skills for maximum efficiency in assignments requiring cross-training abilities
  • Organizing statistics based on different stakeholder needs
  • Managing workflows through automation, regulation and conditional situations

Areas Covered

  • What is Artificial Intelligence?
  • What are the risks of AI?
  • Ai tools you can use right now.
  • AI tools for the future.
  • How to adapt AI in your HRIS
  • Data Driven HR

Who Should Attend

  • Human Resource Managers
  • HR Leaders at all levels
  • Operational managers who have HR responsibilities
  • Senior level Human Resource leaders

Why Should You Attend

HR hiring managers can become company strategists and coaches while AI handles routine tasks in seconds that used to take managers hours to perform.

For example, am HR recruitment manager might need to research a prospect’s salary history, performance ranking, recent job offers, and other criteria such as whether the company can offer a competitive compensation package. AI can collate this information in seconds.

A supervisor with AI skills can sign off on job offers faster and forward them to the next level in the decision-making process.

AI programs offer HR departments ways to train their staff, earn certifications, cross-train and learn new skills. An intuitive AI program allows people to work at their own speeds, but a really great program can encourage faster development by introducing rewards and incentives based on each worker’s profile. People who are struggling with a skill or concept can be referred to outside resources or a human mentor.

Machine learning is one of the most exciting areas of AI development for HR. Artificial intelligence that can learn and grow offers tremendous potential for developing new people management strategies and proactively anticipating business goals.

Artificial intelligence can handle many of your employees’ routine requests about the organization’s policies and benefits, but a learning AI could recommend training programs and external events that would interest an employee for better holistic management.

Topic Background

Self-driving cars, smart roads, intuitive personal assistants like Siri or Cortana and even your cruise control are signs that artificial intelligence is a reality.

Artificial Intelligence (or AI) technology connects people to machines and machines to other machines.

Intelligent machines can do repetitive calculations, trigger automatic processes and monitor benchmarks such as staff performance and quality control. A 2013 Oxford University study predicted that 47 percent of repetitive tasks would be handled exclusively by machines over the next two decades.

No sector has more complex data management and analytical needs than HR. AI technology can enhance any department’s ability to gather and process data and make preliminary forecasts based on changing conditions.

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