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Microaggressions: Harmful speech or free speech?
Everyone is working hard to create cohesive work teams and if you have ever been tasked with ensuring the success of a project or left wondering why your team just couldn’t seem to work together, you know that when people have to work together, challenges can occur.We’ve all done it... we’ve inadvertently hurt someone’s feelings or insulted them without thinking. But is that really a microaggression? Microa..

Moving from Reactive to Proactive Leadership
This topic is about leadership in today’s fast-paced business environment or any organization where effective, accountable leadership matters. It is about learning to move from a typical style of leadership which involves reacting to situations and changes rather than anticipating, planning and organizing for them.Issues, Opportunities, and Challenges will continue to arise in the leadership of any organiza..

On The Alert: Crafting An Effective Incident Response Plan (IRP)
There are a variety of potential IT service threats that can convert to intentional or unintentional incidents requiring adequate IT service support. If restoring service normalcy as swiftly as possible and minimizing adverse impacts on entity operations are the primary incident management process goals, then IT support personnel achievement of expected performance levels ensures maintaining the highest pos..

Painless Business Writing: Better Communications on Screen and On Paper
This webinar is designed as a skill-building refresher for all employees who have to write as part of their jobs. While business writing has changed from print to screen, there is more to crafting good messages than just emails. People judge your potential career success on the words you say aloud and on paper.This session teaches tools that are fast and effective, to help you write with more power, clarity..

Pitch Perfect: The Art of the Elevator Pitch
Your elevator pitch is an invitation to get to know you, what you do and to discover any possible connections. Sadly, most people, whether a novice employee, a beginning entrepreneur, or a seasoned corporate executive, do not know how to present themselves well and are losing prospective clients and relationships as a result. Don’t be “most people;” understand how to make the most of those first important o..

Planning, Prioritizing and Execution with the Outlook Calendar and Tasks
Do you face daily dilemmas trying to figure out where to start on your task list? Task lists can be overwhelming with a great range of items to complete. Some can wait but others are urgent and demand immediate attention. When you have 5 or 6 urgent requests at one time, the choice of which one to work on first can be agonizing. The principles taught in this program solve the puzzle for you. You will learn ..

Preventing Sexual and Other Harassment/Discrimination Claims
The laws have changed – as of January 1, 2020, any employer with five (5) or more employees MUST offer this type of training. Employees include part-time, interns whether paid or not, and some contractors. It also includes people working in other locations, such as at home. Every day we are learning about more harassing, bullying, and abusive behavior on the part of men (mostly men – some women) who have be..

Proof It! How To Be a Better Proofreader
Any document, media piece, or email bearing your organization’s insignia or name must be absolutely error free. Even a careless mistake in an email can damage a leader’s reputation and can make an entire company look bad. Proofreading is a skill anyone can learn and improve. Very few business professionals actually ever have been TAUGHT how to proofread. More and more employers are citing “attention t..

Setting Up a Modern Remote Work Culture
It’s all integrated; having a modern work culture, utilizing technology to the best available, being flexible, having proper succession planning, having a vision, and treating people as humans rather than a resource. It’s all part of successful leadership. Employees are contribution focused, wanting to work with a purpose, and don’t value jobs so much as they value missions they agree with. They ..

Streamlining the Month-End Closing Process
We will share best practices for closing the books, performing period-end analysis, and producing financial reports within 2 days of the month-end. We will discuss the key reasons for closing and reporting delays and how to overcome these obstacles to improve your closing process and timeline. Every business needs timely reporting at month-end, quarter-end, and year-end. Publicly traded companies have prosc..

Successfully Manage People Who Are Older Than You
Generational diversity” is no longer just a buzzword. We’re seeing younger and younger individuals in positions of power and influence in the workforce, and these days it’s not uncommon for the power hierarchy to be reversed, with older individuals reporting to younger bosses. You cannot manage an experienced worker based on authority from your position title alone. Managing someone older than you don’t hav..

Suicide: Management and Employee Awareness and Protocol Skills for the Workplace
1,000,000 people, around the world, commit suicide each year--Nearly 30,000 is Americans. On average, 1 person commits suicide every 16.2 minutes. Males make up 79% of suicides. Over 50% of all suicides are completed with a firearm. How many co-workers do you know that have: Talked about killing themselves; started to withdraw from fellow employees; increased the use of drugs or alcohol; just lost interest?..

Surviving in an Emotionally Toxic Workplace
Are you feeling Frustrated? Exhausted? – trying to deal with all the emotions that swirl around in your workplace. Feeling like you just don’t know what to do?Sometimes it’s the same person you have to deal with day in and day out – you feel overwhelmed and just want to avoid them, but you can’t – you have a job to do – things to get done.Sometimes you’re blindsided – suddenly, out of the blue someone is an..

Technical Writing in an Industrial Environment
The webinar will describe a process to create quality documents from a blank screen in a timely manner. The process is logical and easily understood. The process describes the location and collection of important information. The process describes how to organize the information collected into a document. The webinar also addresses how to write the document and addresses comments received from reviewers and..

Technical Writing Training
Training in Technical Writing must begin with the realization that it is labor-intensive. Someone learns to be a Technical Writer by creating Technical Documents. Simply stated, a Technical Writer learns to do by doing.In order to “Learn to do by doing,” we must define the function of Technical Writers. Exactly what is the job of Technical Writers? Technical Writers translate complex information into clear,..