Be a Better Leader: Dealing with your Inner Control Freak, Master Manipulator and Saboteur
  • CODE : PELL-0014
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Level : All Levels
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Paul is a PMP, corporate attorney, author, former Chair of Diversity & Inclusion at the Attorney General of BC and international professional speaker. He is an advocate, consultant and trainer in workplace respect, conflict management and diversity/inclusion.

Paul is a published author in the field of workplace bullying. Paul’s book, “The Workplace Bullying Handbook is an inspirational call to action to ending bullying at work.

A leader in the project management industry, Paul served on the Project Management Institute’s global Ethics Member Advisory Group. His clients include professional associations, American Airlines, Intel, over 50 Project Management Institute Chapters, Corus, healthcare, construction, universities and charitable institutions.

Do you want to become a better leader? Do you struggle with wanting to control and manipulate others, particularly when we are in management and leadership roles? If so, this is the perfect webinar for you. Not only will we help you improve your self-awareness but also help you address any self-doubt that may unconsciously sabotage our advancement.

Leaders need support and advice to help them improve their self-awareness of our negative tendencies and tools for preventing them from getting the best of us. We will introduce the concept of servant leadership as a method for us to improve our leadership approach. Great servant leaders are courageous, respectful, empathetic, inclusive, supportive and authentic. That’s easier said than done, particularly in times of stress, change, or unpredictability. We often are disconnected from our “dark side” – our inner control freak, manipulator, bully or saboteur.

Fortunately, there are many proactive, preventative measures that you can take to manage damaging dark side behaviors and constantly reinforce the need to lead with respect. With tools and an action plan, you can create an effective strategy to improve your leadership and manage your dark side, even in the most challenging times.

Areas Covered

This presentation enables participants to enhance self-awareness, understand our triggers, and improve our mental health and self-control by:

  • Self-assessing our emotional state regularly
  • Proactively engaging to confront our dark side tendencies
  • Seeking support to help address our bad behavior early and easily
  • Tackling tough behavioral challenges

Who Should Attend

  • Managers, Team Leaders, Project Managers, Business Analysts.

Why Should You Attend

We all struggle with wanting to control and manipulate others, particularly when we are in management and leadership roles. Most of us are also prone to self-doubt and may unconsciously sabotage our advancement.

Leaders need support and advice to help them improve their self-awareness of their negative tendencies and tools for preventing them from getting the best of us. Great leaders are courageous, respectful, empathetic, inclusive, supportive and authentic. That’s easier said than done, particularly in times of stress, change, or unpredictability. We often are disconnected from our “dark side” – our inner control freak, manipulator, bully or saboteur.

Fortunately, there are many proactive, preventative measures that you can take to manage damaging dark side behaviors and constantly reinforce the need to lead with respect. With tools and an action plan, you can create an effective strategy to improve your leadership and manage your dark side, even in the most challenging times.

  • $160.00

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