13 Outlook Features That Give You SCREAMING Productivity
  • CODE : KABR-0090
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Level : Intermediate
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Karla Brandau is a leading authority on personal and team productivity in the workplace. She specializes in combining the power of time management with technology, using Microsoft Outlook as a tool to help individuals “get it all done” in less time.

She is the CEO of Brandau Power Institute. She has educated managers with her proven time management and Microsoft Outlook productivity systems in companies such as Motorola, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Panasonic, and BYD America.

Her time management with Microsoft Outlook workbook, “Have More Day at the End of Your Day”, is a valuable guide for anyone wanting to know how to use the power of technology to leave work on time. She has also written 101 Time Management Tips for Busy Professionals and Email Survival Skills.

Using hidden features of Microsoft Outlook to the fullest extent possible is like putting time – which is money – directly into your pocket instead of letting it trickle down the drain.

You paid a great deal for the privilege of using Microsoft Outlook – why not wring every dollar you can out of it? The tips, tricks, and secrets taught in this webinar will figuratively speaking, put dollars in your pocket as you get more done in less time, meet deadlines and produce stellar results.

You will conquer your task list in record time as you internalize and customize these 13 features for your personality and your job. 

Areas Covered

By attending this webinar, you will gain access to tips and techniques that are typically unknown to novice users.

Implementing what you are taught will take your Outlook use to new levels and place you in an elite circle of achievers.

During the action-packed hour we spend together, you will learn how to:

  • Choose preferences for the Quick Access Tool bar
  • Coordinate the Inbox with Tasks and Calendar
  • Distinguish between the To-Do List, the To-Do Bar and Tasks
  • Implement Categories to organize information and push productivity
  • Plan your workflow in the Calendar
  • Close out every day and plan forward with the help of efficient Calendar features 
  • Remove the compact view and customize column headings 
  • Plan and set goals in the Task folder
  • Prioritize tasks in the Task folder and in the Inbox
  • Become proficient at using the Rules Wizard and Quick Steps
  • Use Quick Parts
  • Discover Replies and Forwards for complex emails 
  • Gather opinions with polls and voting buttons

Discovering these 13 advanced features of Outlook by accident on your own is possible but it is a waste of your valuable time. By attending this webinar, you can take control of this tool and learn to program Outlook to do what you want it to do to facilitate your work

Let these 13 advanced features of Outlook be your partner in tackling 21st century workloads.

Who Should Attend

All leaders and managers who want to improve productivity in their organization and increase team results.

Professionals looking to improve their email management skills and individuals overwhelmed by their Inbox and looking for effective solutions.

Why Should You Attend

Prioritizing is a fundamental time management skill and, in this webinar, you are taught the principles of prioritizing as you learn how to get work done right in your Inbox.
The principles taught rescue you from the daily avalanche of emails dumping into your Inbox while helping you produce real results as you expedite email processing of tasks and assignments.

You will master methods to identify and prioritize high-impact emails with tasks embedded.

The techniques and tips save you precious minutes every day and help you leave work on time as you develop strategies to allocate time for email management without disrupting your workflow.

You'll be amazed at how many features the Outlook Inbox has that can help you organize, sort, and prioritize email – enabling you to stay on top of urgent tasks and project deadlines.

Topic Background

Microsoft Outlook is a powerful, comprehensive software tool because it combines email, a calendar, tasks and contact records. By using it, the goal is to make your professional life more productive and fulfilling as you gain the ability to focus on high payoff tasks and get more done in less time…exactly what these 13 tips will do for you.

If you are using Outlook only for email and for calendar appointments and meetings, you are leaving about 85% of the power of Microsoft Outlook untouched and untapped. Attend this webinar, learn to use 13 advanced Outlook features and you’ll be on the path to greater productivity. Not only will you be shown advanced features, but you’ll learn the benefits of those features from a time management viewpoint.

From hidden gems to advanced functionalities, this program will provide you with the tools and knowledge to transform Outlook into a productivity powerhouse.

  • $160.00

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