Succeed with Collaborative Leadership
Rebecca Staton-Reinstein, Ph.D., and President of Advantage Leadership, Inc. work with leaders and their organizations to Increase your bottom-line results through strategic leadership, engaged employees, and delighted customers in all economic sectors. Draw on her proven ability to mentor you through a major change, customizing successful solutions to your complex issues. For over 25 years, Rebecca has contributed value as an executive, manager, educator, and consultant, honored on four continents. She is a Ph.D. in organizational development, a National Speakers Association Legacy Professional Member, and St. Petersburg Engineering Academy Foreign Member and author of books on strategic leadership and planning.
Human nature does not change but our understanding of human nature does change. Every manager must become adept and getting the best performance out of every employee. Today that means adapting the traditional management and leadership categories to the current situation. For example, employees are assigned specific tasks to perform and goals to meet. Collaborative spend time with each employee and then with the team, helping everyone understand the organization's vision and mission. Then the team creates its own mission which lines up with the organization's mission. The team and individual use this mission to develop the team and individual Action Plans. Throughout this process there are close interactions and iterations until there is team consensus, the plan is ready. Reviewing results also takes place in the collaborative mode, without the blame game. Instead, teams and individuals looking for root causes to correct and lessons learned for the next steps. The time invested in planning and collaboration upfront assures better results, greater efficiency, and ongoing cooperation and teamwork.
Today's workforce expects a more collaborative approach from managers and leaders, especially when confronting new challenges and old problems. This program is designed to build on your existing skills and experience while developing new approaches and behaviors, which increase your ability to succeed as a leader.
Learning Objectives
- What is Collaborative Leadership?
- Build a collaborative team
- Refine vision, mission, and values collaboratively
- Use common tools and techniques in new ways to reinforce collaboration and overcome obstacles
- Transform planning, delegation, motivation, and coaching to enhance individual and team collaboration
- Employ effective communication to build collaboration, assure clarity, and achieve desired and required results
Course Level - Basic/Fundamental
Who Should Attend
- Leaders at every level, especially mid-level leaders/managers
- Newer managers who want to get off on the right track
- Experienced managers challenged by 5 generations at work
- Project Managers
- Team Leaders
Why Should You Attend
Everyone knows the old top-down, command-and-control model will not work with today's workforce, no matter which generation we are talking about. This is the practical rational for taking a different approach. There is also another big challenge every manager must face. Today's highly competitive, fast-moving work environment demands more creativity, efficiency, effectiveness, communication, innovation, and…the list grows every day. Every manager from the first-line supervisor to CEO must take on a collaborative style to accomplish the organizations' goals and remain relevant and competitive. Younger workers are mobile and will not remain in a non-supportive environment. Experienced workers know their value and will not put up with a non-supportive environment. Everyone has an incentive to build their team for success and enhance their results. Adapt to this new world or … The choice is yours.