Align Your Online and Offline Presence
  • CODE : YOKE-0008
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Level : Intermediate
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Yoke van Dam, is a NLP, behavioural change specialist, Professional speaker and leadership expert. Known as the Kintsugi Queen™, because of her ability to help disjoined teams to reconnect and find their flow again.

She works with leaders, who want to effectively articulate and communicate their vision so that their teams buy into it. As well as new leaders who need a strong foundational roadmap of how to work with and lead teams to successful outcomes.

She equips sales and marketing teams to increase sales conversions and create stickiness in their messages.

Her clients sell strategically and speak on small and large stages winning tenders, funding for films or getting listed as suppliers. She does in-person work in South Africa and Dubai.  Many of her clients engage her for coaching or training from all over the world. If she’s not coaching you on your next big pitch, training a team or consulting you can find her speaking on stage, hiking up a mountain or jumping in a waterfall.

As a qualified behavioral change coach with veri¬fiable in-the-eld experience (2000+ team members, 2 300+ hours training, and 350+ coaching hours) she’s eminently suited to uncover the real issues holding teams back. Her hard-won experience (15 years) and tried and tested high-performance processes have seen even the most under-performing and fractured teams join together and become stronger and more remarkable.

Her advisory, speaking and coaching work empowers leaders and teams to create meaningful workspaces by tapping into their purpose and enhancing human connection. She empowers leaders and teams with confidence and influence, to find their flow and develop a growth mindset. The specific areas she focuses on are Leadership development, Culture, Emotional intelligence, Time-management, Negotiation, Communication, and Presentation skills.

Her clients have been as diverse as sales executives, business leaders and owners, customer service agents, marketers, lawyers, engineers, and accountants. The industries she has covered range from automotive, retail, manufacturing, and engineering to advertising, publishing, legal, and academic. She is the founder of Y-Connect and a Professional member of the Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa (PSASA).  

In today’s competitive corporate landscape, a strong personal brand is crucial for standing out and achieving your career goals. This webinar is designed to equip business executives at all levels with the knowledge and skills to build and maintain a powerful personal brand. By aligning your online and offline presence, you can ensure your professional identity is clear, compelling, and consistent.

A strong personal brand can be a powerful tool for career advancement. You will explore how to leverage your personal brand for networking, career growth, and establishing authority in your field.

You will learn strategies for building and maintaining professional relationships, positioning yourself as a thought leader, and creating opportunities for career development.

  • Understand the Principles of Creating a Personal Brand: Learn what a personal brand is and why it’s essential for your professional success. We will explore the core principles of personal branding, including authenticity, consistency, and clarity. You'll discover how a well-defined personal brand can differentiate you from others, attract opportunities, and foster trust.
  • Design How You Want Others to Perceive You: Personal branding starts with intention. This segment will guide you through the process of defining your professional identity and deciding how you want to be perceived by colleagues, supervisors, clients, and industry peers.
  • How does Personal branding impact your bottom line, and increase trust and staff engagement?: Your personal brand isn't just about you; it’s about the impact you have on your organization and its bottom line. This section explores the correlation between executive presence on social media and key business outcomes such as staff retention, trust, and sales growth. You will learn how your online activity can positively influence your team and drive business success.
  • Learn How to  Optimize Your Online Profiles: Your online profiles are the cornerstone of your personal brand. This practical session provides step-by-step guidance on how to optimize your LinkedIn and other social media profiles to reflect your professional identity accurately
  • Why visibility matters: Consistency is key in personal branding. You will discover how consistent activity can enhance your visibility, reinforce your brand message, and keep you top-of-mind

Areas Covered

  • What is your Personal brand?
  • The evolution from reputation to Personal brand
  • Design how you want others to perceive you (practical Personal brand exercises)
  • How does your Personal brand impact your bottom line increase trust and staff engagement?
  • Unpacking Personal Branding Research.
  • Learn how to optimize your online profiles
  • Why does visibility matter, aligning your content to your target audience?

Who Should Attend

Managers, directors, sales executives, IT managers, IT support, Customer service, Social media, Marketing, and Human resources.

Why Should You Attend

  • Most of your sales meetings happen online, and you wish you could have greater rapport online as you’ve had in person.
  • Your clients and team are in this new hybrid world, and you wish you could make better first impressions.
  • You dislike self-promotion and rather just want to get on with work.
  • You are often misunderstood and while you mean well people don’t see you in the way you see yourself.
  • You want to grow in your career, and somehow you are constantly passed over for promotions.
  • You are self-aware and know your strengths and talents, but others don’t recognize your achievements
  • You have a LinkedIn profile, but you’ve only used it as a CV, you rarely engage with other's posts or use it as a networking tool.
  • You worry that your outdated online presence might be damaging your reputation.
  • When people meet you in person, you are much more impressive than what they see on LinkedIn.
  • Social media doesn’t describe your character, your strengths, and why they should work with you. and rarely know how you contribute at work.
  • You want to build a strong brand and build meaningful relationships

When you don’t align your online and offline presence and build your Personal brand it can lead to:

  • Lack of Professional Growth
  • Poor First Impressions
  • Missed Opportunities
  • Ineffective Networking
  • When your online and offline presence don't align, it creates confusion and distrust among colleagues, clients, and potential employers
  • Don't Let Your Personal Brand Sabotage Your Success!
  • Attend our webinar to learn how to align your online and offline presence, build trust, seize opportunities, and advance your career. Ensure your personal brand works for you, not against you.

Topic Background

Since launching Y-Connect in 2017, Yoke van Dam has been helping professionals build impactful personal brands. This module is a key part of her leadership development programs. Here, leaders learn to shape their image to influence how they are perceived by their teams and stakeholders.

It also plays a crucial role in her Power of Persuasion Presentation Bootcamp. Participants, who might find public speaking intimidating, discover that their personal brand influences audience perceptions long before they speak. By managing their online and offline presence carefully, they become confident and effective presenters.

The relevance of this module has grown since 2020. With many leaders now working and presenting on platforms like Zoom and MS Teams, an effective online presence is vital. Your digital image often serves as your first impression.

Yoke van Dam’s approach through Y-Connect has shown the power of a strong personal brand. This module gives leaders the tools they need to enhance their presence, improve their presentations, and advance their careers—no matter the setting.

  • $160.00

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