Construction Project Scheduling: Starting with the Right Foot!
  • CODE : SAMU-0036
  • Duration : 75 Minutes
  • Level : Intermediate
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Saleh Mubarak, Ph.D.

  • Construction project management professional, professor, consultant, author, public speaker, and trainer.
  • Ph.D. in civil engineering from Clemson University, USA, specializing in Construction Project Management.
  • Experience: 35 years, diversified:
    o    Industrial: private and public sectors, in the U.S. and international. Positions occupied include project engineer/manager, cost estimator, planner/scheduler, project controls manager, cost manager, and training manager.
    o    Academic: faculty member/professor, head of department. 
  • Extensive experience in continuing education and professional training around the world.
  • Author of:
    o    Construction Project Scheduling and Control, Wiley, 4th edition.
    o    How to Estimate with Means Data: Basic Skills for Building Construction, Wiley, 5th edition.
    o    Project Management in the Construction Industry: From Concept to Completion, Wiley, 1st edition
  • Many presentations in professional conferences such as PMI, AACE International. Public speaker in many local, regional, and international events.
  • An authority on project planning, scheduling, and project control.

Project scheduling is basically two parts: Creating the schedule before the construction phase starts, and then managing it during the construction phase. We must start the schedule on the right foot: An accurate and clear schedule that reflects the contractor's intent on the project work plan. The schedule must be simple and clear for the field crews. It must also possess the traits that make it dynamic and manageable. Starting with a schedule that has inaccuracies, errors, or any characteristics that make its management difficult, will be a problem and even a disaster for the project.

Scheduling is a lot more than just a software program. It is a concept that must be well understood by the scheduler and the project management team. The team, particularly the project manager and the scheduler, must understand the concepts and the relationships and intricacies among the schedule components, so they can react, adjust, update, and report accurately. Hints also include owners since they usually review contractors’ schedules for accuracy.

This seminar will go over some important steps and hints that help improve the accuracy, strength, and clarity/simplicity of the CPM schedule. We will cover topics such as project breakdown, defining activities and milestones, determining activities’ duration, setting up the logic, cost/resource loading, calendars, constraints, and more.

Areas Covered

  • Importance of accuracy and simplicity of CPM schedules
  • The art of breaking down the project into activities
  • Hints on activities duration and attributes
  • Setting up the logic: Simplify without compromising accuracy
  • Impact of constraints on the schedule
  • Hints on cost/resource loading
  • Hints on software manipulation.
  • Hints on reporting and documentation.

Who Should Attend    

This seminar is important for general contractors, subcontractors, project managers, planners, schedulers, project controls engineers/managers, cost managers, document controllers, architects, and engineers.

Why Should You Attend

This is an important seminar for anyone whose job relates to the project schedule, including and particularly planners, schedulers, project managers, project controls engineers/managers, cost managers, and document controllers. It provides important and valuable tips for creating an accurate and efficient schedule based on the critical path method, CPM.

Topic Background    

Project scheduling is one of the most important aspects of project management in the construction industry. It is the time management of the project. Time is money, but it is more than what many think. Project scheduling is basically two parts: Creating the schedule before the construction phase starts, and then managing it during the construction phase. This seminar focuses on the first part: creating the schedule, as accurately and efficiently as possible.

  • $160.00

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