Direct Versus Indirect Expenses in Construction Projects
  • CODE : SAMU-0023
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Refer a Friend

Saleh Mubarak, Ph.D.

  • Construction project management professional, professor, consultant, author, public speaker, and trainer.
  • Ph.D. in civil engineering from Clemson University, USA, specialized in Construction Project Management.
  • Experience: 30+years,diversified:
            o  Industrial: private and public sectors, in the U.S. and international. Positions occupied include project engineer / manager, cost estimator, planner / scheduler, project controls manager, cost manager, training manager.
            o  Academic: faculty member / professor, head of department.
  • Extensive experience in continuing education and professional training around the world.
  • Author of:
            o    Construction Project Scheduling and Control, 4th edition
            o    How to Estimate with Means Data: Basic Skills for Building Construction, 5th edition.
            o    Many articles; technical and other
  • Many presentations in professional conferences such as PMI, AACE International. Public speaker in many local, regional, and international events.
  • An authority on project planning, scheduling, and project control
  • An advocate of holistic healthy living

This seminar discusses construction expenses, their type, and classification. It goes into each category and explains it in simple terms. We discuss labor, materials, equipment, other (government fees, lab tests), subcontracts, job (project) overhead, general (main office) overhead, contingency allowance, profit allowance, and inflation/escalation allowance. We then go into a brief analysis of all these expenses. We mention bonds and insurance. We discuss ways to track overhead expenses.

Areas Covered

  • Definition of direct and indirect expenses
  • Categories under direct and indirect expenses
  • Brief discussion of labor, materials, and equipment
  • Discussion of overhead expenses, and contingency, profit, and inflation/escalation allowances
  • Discussion of bonds, insurance, and general conditions
  • Discussion of ways to track overhead expenses
  • General tips

Who Should Attend

This seminar is important for the entire project management team, particularly cost estimators, contractors, project managers, project controls managers, planners and schedulers, and other project management team members.

Why Should You Attend

This seminar shows all types and categories of expenses to the construction company and how they must be measured and classified. It is an educational seminar on basic concepts in construction expenses that make a big difference.

Topic Background

Identifying and classifying construction expenses is a must for every contractor. Distinguishing between direct and indirect expenses is also vital for tracking these expenses. They are tracked differently. Overhead expenses are often away from the contractor’s radar, but if they get out of control, it can cause financial problems for the company that may lead to its collapse.

  • $200.00

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