Mastering Labor Relations: Your Essential Survival Guide - A Webinar Series
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On-Demand Webinar | DURATION: 120 MINUTES


Attendees of Part 1 of this 4-part webinar series will have the opportunity to widen their skill set enough to be able to hit the ground running to meet the challenges of most labor management environments. Among the many areas to be explored will be the groundwork and guidelines for positive labor management relationships along with an examination of the roles of the Union and its representatives/Stewards, Union organizational structure and functions. Additionally, attendees will also be exposed to the management side of the equation/relationship and what is required, permitted and forbidden for and by each side (labor and management). This will be supplemented with an understanding of both the application of the “Reserved Rights Doctrine” more commonly referred to as the management rights clause of a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) as well as the “Duty to Fairly Represent” (DFR). Attendees will also delve into the resources they should have at hand in their “toolbox” in order to effectively perform the LR function which incudes an understanding of all relevant laws and how to maintain up to date information to assist in compliance of their administration of both the law, the CBA and any organizational policies.

Areas Covered

  • Positive Labor Relations (LR) Guidelines.
  • Union Steward’s and Supervisor’s Role.
  • Must have resources for LR
  • The Laws of LR
  • Related laws impacting LR
  • Union structure and Obligations under law and the CBA
  • The Duty to Fairly represent (DFR)
  • Management Rights and Obligations under law and the CBA

Who Should Attend

All levels of Managers, Supervisors, Human Resources, Employee Relations, Labor Relations, Attorney’s, and Union Officers/Representatives/Stewards, all levels of Law Enforcement or Security staff, community organizations, non-profits, elected and or appointed legislative and political groups.

Why Should You Attend

Even seasoned HR professionals recognize that Labor Relations requires a very different and special skill set. So, if you have not worked with a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) in a Unionized workplace or if you have but want more specific training or to update your knowledge base then this 4-part comprehensive A-Z survival guide is for you.

Are you aware of the essential elements required to establish and maintain a positive labor management relationship? Can you describe and understand the roles of Union Steward and other Union representatives/officers and how they interact with the various levels of management and especially with Labor Relations? How familiar are you with the organizational structure of the Union and its obligations under both the CBA, the law and in particular about their “Duty to Fairly Represent (DFR) under the NLRA? Do you have at your disposal and for your use the latest up to date resources available? Are you familiar with all of the federal laws which impact the Labor Relations function?

If you can’t answer all of the above with confidence, then this first of four webinars is just what you will need to support and improve your Labor Relations skill set.


On-Demand Webinar | DURATION: 120 MINUTES


In this second of four Labor Relations Survival Guide A-Z webinars attendees will continue with the opportunity to widen their skill set enough to be able to hit the ground running to meet the challenges of most labor management environments.

Attendees will gain a greater understanding and enhanced skill set of:

  • The different types of collective bargaining/negotiation possible on a number of levels.
  • The differences between a CBA and an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) both legal and otherwise? 
  • The basic elements of an agreement and the guidelines for reading and interpreting it?
  • Some of the more common mistake’s negotiators and their teams all too often make
  • What to do about “good faith” language/ provisions and what they really mean
  • The “Reserved Rights Doctrine” (Management Rights), what it is and is not!
  • The importance and ways of record keeping for contract interpretation, grievances and arbitrations
  • The basics of researching contract interpretation matters? 
  • Jurisdictional issues between various groups in the workplace and their impact on the CBA and the labor management relationship as a whole.

Areas Covered

  • Types of collective bargaining/negotiating and the CBA/contract
  • Elements of a CBA (CBA)
  • The “Reserved Rights Doctrine”
  • Rules for reading/interpreting a CBA
  • Good faith provisions
  • The importance of record keeping
  • Researching contract interpretation questions
  • Jurisdictional questions/issues

Who Should Attend

All levels of Managers, Supervisors, Human Resources, Employee Relations, Labor Relations, Attorney’s, and Union Officers/Representatives/Stewards, all levels of Law Enforcement or Security staff, community organizations, non-profits, elected and or appointed legislative and political groups.

Why Should You Attend

In this second of our four-part Labor Relations Survival Guide webinar series and based on our foundation in part 1, we continue to recognize that Labor Relations requires a very specific and special skill set supplementing HR. So, if you have not worked with a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) in a Unionized workplace or if you have but want more specific training or to update your knowledge base then continuing with what was discussed in part one and supplementing it here with part two will help you not only build but maintain your LR skill set.

Are you aware of the different types of collective bargaining/negotiation that are possible on a number of levels and the differences between a CBA and an MOU (memorandum of Understanding) both legal and otherwise? Regardless, do you know the basic elements of an agreement and the guidelines for reading and interpreting it? And what about those pesky “good faith provisions and what do they really mean?  Are you similarly familiar and comfortable regarding the “Reserved Rights Doctrine” often also called “Management Rights” and its obligations under the law as well? And just how important is the importance of record keeping and what forms should it take to be of use in not only contract interpretation but in grievances and arbitrations as well. Do you know the basics of how to go about researching a contract interpretation matter? And no survival crash course would be complete without your gaining an understanding of jurisdictional issues between various groups in the workplace and their impact on the CBA and the labor management relationship as a whole.

As with the previous Part 1, if you can’t answer all the above with confidence, then this second of four webinars is just what you will need to supplement your developing body of knowledge to improve your Labor Relations skill set.


On-Demand Webinar | DURATION: 120 MINUTES


Attendees will have an increased understanding and where appropriate, skill set of the following:

  • How to be as fully prepared as possible for negotiations, not only at the table but for the support team(s) from the field to the corporate office and board room as well because LR must always be viewed as a “team sport.” 
  • How to identify and utilize best practices regarding how, when and why you should/must communicate and with whom (as permissible under law) before, during and after negotiations?
  • The preventative/pre-cautionary step to take to mitigate or even prevent an “end run?”
  • Being able to identify the required mandatory, permissive and forbidden subjects of not only bargaining but for the entire spectrum of the labor management relationship?
  • Do you know about the use of “housekeepers” in negotiating and for other complex matters and how they can stave off potential misunderstandings and formal disputes?
  • And do you know about the many and varied forms of seniority and not only about to properly administer seniority but how to be aware of and prevent their “creep” into other areas of the workplace and CBA/MOU?
  • Do you know the why and how of conducting an efficient, effective and lawful internal investigation without any potential conflict(s) of interest or bias? 
  • And are your questioning and listening skills as good as they might be when negotiating, investigating, grievance processing and administering the CBA?

Areas Covered

  • Preparing for negotiations.
  • Training and communicating before, during and after negotiations.
  • Preventing the “end run.”
  • Mandatory, permissive and forbidden subjects of bargaining.
  • Use of “Housekeepers.”
  • Seniority: Its not just for old folks.
  • Investigating principles and guidelines.
  • The art of questions.
  • The ancient art of listening.

Who Should Attend

All levels of Managers, Supervisors, Human Resources, Employee Relations, Labor Relations, Attorney’s, and Union Officers/Representatives/Stewards, all levels of Law Enforcement or Security staff, community organizations, non-profits, elected and or appointed legislative and political groups.

Why Should You Attend

In this third webinar from our Labor Relations Survival Guide A-Z series attendees will continue to explore and improve their understanding of the labor negotiations process and the administration of the CBA/MOU.

Do you know and are you fully prepared as possible for negotiations, not only at the table but for the support team(s) from the field to the corporate office and board room as well? And what are best practices regarding how, when and why you should/must communicate and with whom (as permissible under law) before, during and after negotiations? And what can you do to mitigate or even prevent an “end run?” Can you identify the required mandatory, permissive and forbidden subjects of not only bargaining but for the entire spectrum of the labor management relationship? Do you know about the use of “housekeepers” in negotiating and for other complex matters and how they can stave off potential misunderstandings and formal disputes? And do you know not only about how to properly administer seniority clauses in the CBA but how to be aware of and prevent their “creep” into other areas of the workplace and CBA/MOU? Do you know the why and how of conducting an efficient, effective and lawful internal investigation without any potential conflict(s) of interest or bias? And are your questioning and listening skills as good as they might be when negotiating, investigating, grievance processing and administering the CBA?

If you can’t favorably and with confidence answer all the above, then this third session of four webinars from our Labor Relations Survival Guide A-Z is just what you will need to support and improve your Labor Relations skill set.


LIVE DATE: Tuesday, November 05, 2024 | TIME:  01:00 PM EST | DURATION: 120 MINUTES


  • Explore and be able to identify the concepts, elements and  applications of “past practice and precedent” in all of their many forms including how to reverse them.
  • Be able develop a workable understanding of the interplay between the grievance and arbitration clauses in a CBA as well as their joint and separate applications as dispute resolution tools.
  • Be able to identify the various stages of the grievance process in various forms and expectations at each step.
  • Be able to identify the elements, meaning and application of the concepts of just cause and due process
  • Develop an understanding of the various levels of proof (circumstantial, preponderance, clear and convincing and proof beyond a reasonable doubt) for disciplinary matters.
  • Understand the various alternatives to traditional discipline along with their pros and cons.
  • Be able to identify the various methods of dispute resolution available under a CBA and their advantages as well as disadvantages.

Areas Covered

  • Past Practice and Precedent (how to prevent, establish and eliminate). 
  • “Work now, grieve later” v Self-Help Remedy.
  • The Grievance and Arbitration process
  • Grievance steps
  • Burden and standards of proof
  • Just cause and due Process
  • Alternatives to traditional discipline
  • Dispute Resolution

Who Should Attend

All levels of Managers, Supervisors, Human Resources, Employee Relations, Labor Relations, Attorney’s, and Union Officers/Representatives/Stewards, all levels of Law Enforcement or Security staff, community organizations, non-profits, elected and or appointed legislative and political groups.

Why Should You Attend

Building on the three previous webinar sessions in our Labor Relations Survival Guide A-Z this fourth and final webinar will tie all four webinars together into a comprehensive understanding and improved skill set that can set an attendee above and beyond colleagues. Those who complete this four-part series should have now developed their knowledge base and skill set enough such that they should be able to professionally respond to any possible labor relations scenario they might be presented with.

Can you identify the concepts, elements and applications of “past practice and precedent” in all of their many forms including how to reverse them? Or do you understand the elements and applications of the concepts and meaning of “work now, grieve later” and its opposite of “self-help remedy?” And what about having a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between the grievance and arbitration clauses in a CBA as well as their joint and separate applications as dispute resolution tools? Can you identify the various stages of the grievance process in their various forms and expectations at each step and how to make them work best for the parties. Just how familiar are you being able to identify the elements, meaning and application of the concepts of just cause and due process? And have you sufficiently developed your understanding of the different levels of proof (circumstantial, preponderance, clear and convincing and proof beyond a reasonable doubt) for disciplinary and other matters? Do you fully understand the various alternatives to traditional discipline along with their pros and cons and how and in what circumstances to apply them for the best possible outcomes for all concerned? And last but certainly not least can you identify the various methods of dispute resolution available under a CBA and their advantages as well as disadvantages?

As with the previous Parts 1-3 of this A-Z Labor Relations Survival Guide, if you can’t answer all the above with confidence, then this last of four webinars is just what you will need to complete your developing body of knowledge to improve your Labor Relations skill set for an informed and successful future.

Bob Oberstein is uniquely qualified with over 50 years of Labor Relations experience from both sides of the table in both the private and public sectors as advocate, mediator, arbitrator and trainer. Bob is the recipient of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Director's Award for lifetime achievement in promoting positive Labor Management Relations. Bob was also the Director of the Labor Management Relations BA and certificate programs at Ottawa University, Phoenix where he developed and taught labor relations related courses on both the graduate and undergraduate levels including “The Science and Art of Negotiations.” Bob has several published articles to his credit in addition to his arbitration awards and has also been recognized in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers as well as in “Who’s Who in America.” Additionally, Bob has served on several boards, commissions, and panels where he participated in resolving or adjudicating all manner of workplace issues in a variety of industries. Bob also continues his work with students as a coach for a local Law school’s mediation and negotiation competition teams and a judge for their internal competitions as well as for international competitions in both negotiations and mediation. Moreover, Bob holds a Master of Jurisprudence in Labor and Employment Law from Tulane University's School of Law. Bob has and continues to serve the labor management community as well as other groups as an Arbitrator, Mediator, Facilitator, Investigator, Trainer and Educator.

Even seasoned HR professionals recognize that Labor Relations requires a distinctly specialized skill set, underscoring the complexity and nuanced dynamics that characterize this critical aspect of workforce management. For individuals who have either never engaged with a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) in a unionized environment or those seeking to refine their expertise and stay abreast of contemporary developments, this four-part comprehensive A-Z survival guide is indispensable. Consideration of the essential elements necessary to establish and maintain a robust labor-management relationship is paramount; a profound understanding of the roles played by Union Stewards and other Union representatives/officers is essential, as is the ability to navigate their interactions with various levels of management, particularly within the context of Labor Relations.

Furthermore, familiarity with the organizational structure of the Union, including its obligations under both the CBA and relevant labor laws—especially regarding the “Duty to Fairly Represent” under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)—is critical. It is equally important to have access to the latest resources and be well-versed in the array of federal laws that significantly influence the Labor Relations function. Should you find that you cannot answer these probing questions confidently, then this four-part webinar series is precisely what you need to bolster and enhance your Labor Relations acumen, equipping you with the tools necessary for effective negotiation, conflict resolution, and overall positive employee relations.

This every webinar series has been approved for 2.00 HR (General) recertification credit hours toward aPHR™, aPHRi™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™, and SPHRi™ recertification through HR Certification Institute® (HRCI®). Please make note of the activity ID number on your recertification application form. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit the HR Certification Institute website at, For any further assistance please contact us at

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