Calculating Activities Durations for the CPM Schedule
Saleh Mubarak, Ph.D.
- Construction project management professional, professor, consultant, author, public speaker, and trainer.
- Ph.D. in civil engineering from Clemson University, USA, specialized in Construction Project Management.
- Experience: 30+ years, diversified:
- Industrial: private and public sectors, in the U.S. and international. Positions occupied include project engineer / manager, cost estimator, planner / scheduler, project controls manager, cost manager, training manager. - Academic: faculty member / professor, head of department. - Extensive experience in continuing education and professional training around the world.
- Author of:
- Construction Project Scheduling and Control, 4th edition
- How to Estimate with Means Data: Basic Skills for Building Construction, 5th edition.
- Many articles; technical and other - Many presentations in professional conferences such as PMI, AACE International. Public speaker in many local, regional, and international events.
- An authority on project planning, scheduling, and project control.
- An advocate of holistic healthy living.
We start with an introduction to estimating or calculating the durations of the schedule’s activities. We discuss the work production rate and its relationship to both unit price and activity duration. We briefly cover factors that influence crew productivity such as weather, design complexity, and labor skill level. We give a few examples of adjusting productivity based on project conditions. We then show the impact of duration adjustment on the schedule and project completion date. We conclude with general tips and recommendations.
Areas Covered
- Introduction to the calculation of activity durations for a CPM schedule
- Analysis of crew productivity and the relationship with item unit price and activity duration
- Factors that influence crew productivity such as weather, design complexity, and labor skill level
- How to apply adjustment factors to crew production rate and activity duration?
- Numerical example
- Consequences of inaccurate durations and general tips
Who Should Attend
This seminar is important for planners, schedulers, cost estimators, project controls engineers and managers, and the entire project management team.
Why Should You Attend
This seminar covers issues related to CPM schedules and cost estimates. It deals also with rates of work production, as there are many factors that influence productivity, hence affecting both the cost and duration of work. The information is important for estimating the time and money aspects of the project. It impacts the accuracy and integrity of the schedule.
Topic Background
This is an intermediate-level seminar on the subject of project scheduling. It deals with estimating or calculating the durations of activities in a CPM schedule. This subject relates to both scheduling and cost estimating but the focus is on scheduling. The seminar requires basic knowledge in the Critical Path Method, CPM.