Developing High-Performance Teams
  • CODE : MICB-0006
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
  • Level : Intermediate
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As founder and CEO of Right Chord Leadership, Dr. Michael Brenner collaborates with leaders and teams at all levels to strengthen the essential skills needed for peak performance. He achieves this by drawing on more than two decades of experience as an international leadership consultant, executive coach, keynote speaker, and educator, and more than 35 years as a professional musician. Michael’s unconventional workshops, executive coaching sessions, and consulting services – grounded in the belief that “When people work in harmony, great things happen!”™ – have helped clients increase employee engagement, reduce turnover, improve customer service, and create more inclusive work environments.

Michael is the creator of the CHORDS Model™ which consists of six key “notes” all successful leaders and teams play: C (Communication), H (Harmony), O (Ownership), R (Respect), D (Direction) and S (Support). He has been a featured speaker at many industry events and conferences around the world, including Southeast Asia, Canada and Australia.

He holds a doctorate in Adult Learning and Leadership from Teachers College at Columbia University and a master’s degree in Adult and Organizational Development from Temple University. He has taught courses in organizational behavior, systems dynamics, negotiations, and interpersonal relations (among others) at Immaculata University, Temple University, and La Salle University.  Currently, he is on the faculty of Penn State University and the Kogod School of Business at American University.

Developing high-performance teams is critical for organizations to achieve their goals effectively and sustainably. Here's why:

  • High-performance teams can achieve more in less time. By leveraging the diverse skills, expertise, and perspectives of team members, tasks are completed efficiently and effectively. Collaboration within such teams often leads to innovative solutions and streamlined processes, maximizing productivity and output.
  • High-performance teams excel at problem-solving. With a culture that encourages open communication and creative thinking, these teams are better equipped to tackle complex challenges. They are adept at identifying root causes, brainstorming solutions, and implementing strategies to overcome obstacles, leading to more successful outcomes.
  • Working in a high-performance team fosters a sense of belonging and fulfilment among team members. When individuals feel valued, supported, and challenged, they are more engaged in their work and motivated to perform at their best. This, in turn, leads to higher job satisfaction, lower turnover rates, and increased loyalty to the organization.
  • In today's fast-paced and dynamic business environment, organizations must be able to adapt quickly to changes. High-performance teams are inherently agile and resilient, capable of responding swiftly to shifting priorities, market trends, and customer needs. Their ability to embrace change, learn from setbacks, and continuously improve positions organizations for long-term success.
  • Organizations with high-performance teams have a competitive edge in the marketplace. These teams drive innovation, foster customer loyalty, and create a positive reputation for the organization. As a result, they are better positioned to outperform competitors, seize opportunities, and achieve sustainable growth.

Developing high-performance teams is not just about achieving short-term objectives; it is an investment in the long-term success and viability of the organization. By fostering collaboration, innovation, and employee engagement, organizations can create a culture of excellence that drives superior performance and delivers value to stakeholders.

Who Should Attend    

Senior and mid-level leaders, managers, and supervisors

Why Should You Attend

In today's competitive landscape, where success often hinges on collective efforts, cultivating high-performance teams is essential for achieving ambitious goals and driving sustainable growth.

In this program, you will:

  • Learn valuable insights and strategies for optimizing team dynamics
  • Gain practical tools to enhance teamwork and productivity
  • Hone the key skills needed to build cohesive and resilient teams capable of overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities
  • Gain clarity on how your work contributes to the team's success

Anyone looking to be part of a team that is agile, innovative, equipped to navigate complexity and invested in developing a culture of excellence is encouraged to attend.

Topic Background    

Developing high-performance teams involves fostering an environment where individuals can collaborate synergistically towards shared goals. This begins with clear goal setting, ensuring that team members understand their roles and responsibilities within the larger context. Effective communication is paramount, emphasizing active listening, constructive feedback, and open dialogue. Trust is foundational to team cohesion, cultivated through transparency, reliability, and mutual respect. Furthermore, encouraging diversity of thought and embracing different perspectives fosters innovation and creative problem-solving.

Moreover, nurturing a culture of continuous improvement fuels team growth and success. Regular performance evaluations, coupled with opportunities for skill development and training, empower team members to reach their full potential. Recognizing and celebrating achievements, both individual and collective, reinforces a sense of accomplishment and motivates ongoing excellence. Additionally, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where each member feels valued and empowered enhances morale and fosters a sense of belonging, driving high performance and sustainable success.

  • $160.00

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