Empowered Wellbeing: A somatic approach to empower you to use your voice And choice
  • CODE : ZOCC-0002
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
  • Level : All
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Heather lives what she calls a "brutally beautiful life." A survivor of sexual, physical, & emotional abuse understands all sides of caregiving as she lives with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and has been a caregiver to multiple family members, including her son; after a vehicle-pedestrian accident left him permanently paralyzed, she has found that li is a delicate dance of brutal & beautiful lessons which can empower us to create our brutiful stories.

“Acknowledge the brutal. Embrace the beautiful. Create your brutiful.”

Heather's unique magic lies in her ability to bring authenticity, humor, passion, and vulnerability to her talks. She shares profoundly personal stories and explores the brutally beautiful aspects of life. Heather's speeches evoke a wide range of emotions, from tears to laughter and back again.

The state of Colorado has recognized Heather's pioneering work for family caregivers. CSU honored her as a Hometown Hero and nominated her as a visionary caregiver and top caregiver program by caregiving.com. Heather has also received The Tandy Spirit Award and was named the 2022 Success Women's Conference Top Influencer.

In this webinar, we will explore how our stories and beliefs influence the way we engage with the world around us. By taking a somatic approach to our embodied experience, we will delve into the sensations that arise within us, cultivating inner resources that improve our ability to advocate for our personal and professional needs.

During this webinar, we will identify areas of tension and constriction in our bodies, as well as the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that promote a sense of calm and safety. We will learn to bring these aspects of our experience into conscious awareness, harnessing the power of resourcing to strengthen our stability and sense of safety in the world.

Join us on a journey of empowered well-being, where we will reclaim our agency, voice, and choice through somatic awareness. Experience a profound transformation that will enhance your overall well-being. Our stories and beliefs influence how we interact with the world. The way we move, stand, and behave reflects our inner thoughts, expectations, and past experiences.

Using a somatic approach, we will delve into our embodied experience, paying attention to the sensations that arise within us. This process is driven by curiosity and support, enabling us to cultivate inner resources that improve our ability to advocate for our personal and professional needs.

Join us on an exciting and enlightening journey of empowered well-being, where we will reclaim our agency, voice, and choice through somatic awareness. Experience a profound transformation that will enhance your overall wellbeing.

Areas Covered     

  • Developing Somatic Awareness: cultivating body awareness in and around your body
  • Resourcing: strengthen our sense of stability and safety in the world
  • Grounding: tools to help calm and regulate our nervous systems
  • Descriptive Language: getting curious, getting descriptive, and staying close to the experience Movement
  • Co/self-regulation: Self Regulation develops our own tools to calm ourselves down. Co-regulation refers to the way we calm ourselves down when we are connecting to someone else
  • Boundaries: setting and keeping boundaries
  • Sequencing: the process of which the body-based tension and release

Who Should Attend    

This webinar benefits anyone seeking to enhance their well-being and sense of empowerment.

Individuals who may particularly benefit include

  • Those navigating challenging life transitions or experiencing stress, anxiety, or trauma.
  • Professionals in helping professions such as therapy, coaching, healthcare, or education seek to deepen their understanding of somatic approaches and expand their toolkit for supporting clients.
  • Individuals interested in personal growth and self-awareness seek practical techniques to enhance resilience, communication skills, and emotional regulation.
  • Anyone curious about the intersection of mind, body, and spirit and eager to explore holistic approaches to healing and empowerment.
  • Those looking to strengthen their personal and professional relationships by cultivating deeper connections and fostering effective communication.
  • No prior experience with somatic practices is necessary—this webinar welcomes all eager to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Why Should You Attend

Unlock the potential of embodied healing in our upcoming webinar on empowered well-being. Join us to explore how a somatic approach can empower you to reclaim your voice and choice in all aspects of life. Discover practical techniques to tune into your body's wisdom, identify areas of tension, and cultivate inner resources for resilience. Whether you seek to strengthen relationships, navigate challenges confidently, or simply enhance your overall well-being, this webinar offers invaluable insights and tools to support your journey. Don't miss out on this opportunity for self-discovery and empowerment reserve your spot today!

  • $160.00

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