3 Keys to Giving Effective Feedback
  • CODE : KATR-0006
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Level : All
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Kathryn Dager, President of Profitivity Inc. is a powerhouse business consultant who knows how to whip businesses into shape. She founded Profitivity Inc, in 1985 and has over 38 years of experience, she's helped hundreds of companies all over the world achieve cultural agility, higher performance, sustained profitability, and growth. Kathryn's known for creating business cultures based on trust, developing customized training systems, and facilitating collaborative work teams. Her clients include big names like American Express, GAP, MasterCard and Polo-Ralph Lauren, just to name a few. She's also an accomplished author with three best-selling books under her belt. When she's not revolutionizing the business world, Kathryn loves to cook, entertain, play golf, and travel. She's engaged to be married and a doting mother and grandmother. And if you're lucky, she might even serenade you with a show tune!

Kathryn is the best-selling author of "“The Business Owner’s Guide To Empowered Leadership,” “More Than A Throw-Away Job” and “Access Your Greatness.”  She has created hundreds of customized training systems, 50 interactive online courses and published over 100 articles.  She has a Masters in Psychology and a Bachelor’s in Business Management and is a Certified Coach from Life Mastery Institute.  She is also a certified Master in NLP, Neuro Re-Patterning, Results Certification and Platform & Presentation Skills.

These keys are designed to help you give feedback in a way that is clear, constructive, and motivating. Here is an overview of the keys that we will dive into:

  • Key 1: Be Specific and Timely
           o    Effective feedback is specific and given in a timely manner. Generic feedback like "good job" or "you need to improve" doesn’t provide the actionable insights your team needs.
  • Key 2: Focus on Behaviors, Not Personalities
            o    Feedback should address specific behaviors rather than personal traits. This helps to keep the conversation constructive and reduces the likelihood of the recipient feeling attacked or demoralized.
  • Key 3: Encourage Two-Way Dialogue
             o    Feedback should be a two-way street. Encourage your team to share their thoughts and provide their feedback on your leadership as well. This not only builds trust but also gives you valuable insights into how you can improve as a leader.

These keys form the foundation of a positive feedback culture. They ensure that feedback is not just a one-sided critique but a constructive, ongoing conversation aimed at mutual growth.

Areas Covered    

  • The Psychology of Feedback: Understanding how feedback impacts motivation and performance.
  • Crafting Effective Feedback: Techniques for being specific, timely, and behavior-focused.
  • Creating a Feedback Culture: Strategies for fostering an environment where feedback is welcomed and valued.
  • Overcoming Common Feedback Challenges: Tips for handling difficult conversations and resistance.
  • Implementing Feedback Systems: Practical steps for integrating regular feedback into your organizational processes.

Who Should Attend    

  • CEO’s
  • COO’s
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Human Resource Professionals
  • Chief Learning Officer
  • Directors
  • Project Managers
  • Operations Managers
  • Field Supervisors
  • Team Leaders

Why Should You Attend

Why should you invest your time in this webinar? Let’s talk about some common pain points:

  • Avoidance of Feedback: Many leaders shy away from giving feedback because it feels uncomfortable or they fear negative reactions. This avoidance leads to unresolved issues, stagnant performance, and unmet potential.
  • Ineffective Feedback: Giving feedback that is too vague, harsh, or untimely can do more harm than good. It can lead to confusion, resentment, and a lack of trust between you and your team members.
  • Lack of Growth: Without regular, constructive feedback, your team members can't identify their areas for improvement or recognize their strengths. This lack of direction stifles their professional growth and, by extension, the growth of your business.
  • Low Morale: Ineffective feedback often results in a demotivated workforce. When employees don’t feel valued or understood, their morale plummets, leading to higher turnover rates and lower productivity.
  • Missed Opportunities: Effective feedback is a tool for spotting and nurturing potential. Without it, you may be overlooking future leaders and innovative ideas within your team.

By attending this webinar, you will gain the tools to overcome these challenges. You’ll learn how to transform feedback from a dreaded task into a powerful tool for growth, engagement, and success. You’ll discover how to create a feedback culture that inspires trust, fosters development, and drives your business forward.

Topic Background

Feedback is the backbone of growth, both for individuals and organizations. It’s like the sunlight and water a garden needs to thrive. Without it, your team can't grow, and your business can't flourish. Yet, many leaders struggle with giving feedback effectively. They either avoid it due to discomfort or deliver it in a way that demotivates rather than inspires. In today's fast-paced business world, mastering the art of feedback is not just beneficial; it's essential. Properly delivered feedback can propel your team to new heights of performance and engagement, creating a culture of continuous improvement.

  • $160.00

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