Future Proofing your Business, Insights from Blackberry’s Journey
  • CODE : YOKE-0007
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Level : Intermediate
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Yoke van Dam has been called the Kintsugi queen™ because of her ability to join, repair, and transform teams and turn them into something quite wonderful.

She’s staked her hard-won reputation on the premise that all teams can be turned around to become collaborative, committed, and cohesive superstars of the organisations they serve.

As a qualified behavioral change coach with verifiable in-the-field experience (2000+ team members, 2 300+ hours training, and 350+ coaching hours), she would love to uncover the real issues holding your teams back. Through her hard-won experience (17 years) and tried and tested high-performance processes, she has seen even the most fissured and fractured teams join together and become strong and remarkable.

She works with leaders who want to effectively articulate and communicate their vision so that their teams buy into it and are prepared to follow them to hell and back to make sure that their vision is achieved, as well as new, untested leaders who need a strong foundational roadmap of how to work with and lead teams to successful outcomes.

She is passionate about the buying brain and became obsessed with persuasion, sales, and influence ever since she was selling pizza at the age of 15. She empowers leaders and teams to find their voice, step into their power, and speak in a way that people want to listen to them. Today, as a qualified behavioural change coach, she teaches leaders and sales professionals how to get people to buy into their ideas and to action them. 

Her advisory, speaking, and coaching work empowers leaders and teams to create meaningful workspaces by tapping into their purpose and enhancing human connection. She empowers leaders and teams with confidence and influence to find their flow and develop a growth mindset. The specific areas she focuses on are Leadership development, Culture, Emotional intelligence, time management, Negotiation,  Communication, and Presentation skills.

Her clients have been as diverse as sales executives, business leaders and owners, customer service agents, marketers, lawyers, engineers, and accountants. The industries she has covered range from automotive, retail, manufacturing, and engineering to advertising, publishing, legal, and academic.

She is the founder of Y-Connect and a Professional member of the Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa (PSASA).  

Alan Weiss, the Million-dollar consultant once said:

“While you were sleeping the world has changed”.

As a leader you need to anticipate change and disrupt the norm to allow your company to keep on innovating, before others overtake you.

In business if we keep on doing business as usual, we will quickly be out of business.

What can we learn from companies like Blackberry that once owned the biggest market share in the cellphone industry? Why did they close, and what can you as a leader learn from the mistakes of giant businesses that was too greedy or stuck in their ways. Who forgot to keep on moving and adapting?

Areas Covered

  • What mistakes did Blackberry make?
  • The S-curve and how to jump it
  • The value of a diverse team and having tech and sales leads
  • The importance of a minimum viable product
  • The importance of listening and healthy debate
  • Moving through change and adapting your culture.

Who Should Attend

  • CEO, COO, CFO, President
  • Chief Innovation Officer, Innovation Manager, R&D Director
  • Strategic Planning Director, Corporate Strategy Manager, Business Development Director
  • CTO, IT Director, Chief Digital Officer
  • Product Director, Product Development Manager, Product Innovation Manager
  • COO, Operations Director, Supply Chain Manage
  • CHRO, HR Director, Talent Management Director
  • Founder, Owner, Managing Partner
  • Management Consultant, Business Advisor, Strategy Consultant

Why Should You Attend

  • Is your business rapidly expanding and you worry that you might be reaching saturation soon?
  • Is your team becoming lazy and where they used to innovate and have new ideas, they have become entitled and set in their ways?
  • Have you expanded your business and never “grown up” in terms of your culture?
  • Are you so against micro-management that very little management is happening with your team?
  • Are you scared that your competitors might come in and close your business down?
  • Why is it important to keep on innovating and being flexible in business?

Topic Background

In a podcast interview between Yoke van Dam and Thomas Ramstad, we discussed Blackberry’s demise and the various mistakes they made as a business that you can learn from. If only they knew Einstein’s wisdom:

“Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity”.

This topic has led to a webinar and a chapter in their Leadership book that is at this time being written.

  • $160.00

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