IRS Modernization and Transformation (GAO) Updates and Future Plans
  • CODE : ROBB-0002
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
  • Level : Advance
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Robbie Terry Washington, CPA MBA              

Ms. Washington is owner of RTW Xxact Enterprises, LLC with more than 30 years’ experience in public accounting including with a Big Four, Ernst & Young. Her industry experience includes manufacturing, banking, private equity, real estate, telecommunications including tax - Department of the Treasury, IRS.

Robbie was also an Adjunct Professor teaching federal income tax at Notre Dame College of Ohio. She conducts internal and external training seminars and frequently speaks to outside organizations and associations. She is an advent blogger, conducts webinars and various presentations for community based and professional organizations.

Robbie recently founded a nonprofit organization called RTW Academy Inc and has conducted free tax preparation for the past 2 years with the IRS VITA/TCE program and teaches Financial Literacy & Workforce Development quarterly at Ohio’s correctional institutions.

The IRS Modernization and Transformation initiative is a comprehensive effort to revamp the Internal Revenue Service's systems, processes, and overall approach to tax administration in the United States. This initiative is driven by the need to improve efficiency, enhance taxpayer services, and ensure the security of sensitive information in an increasingly digital world. The IRS seeks to improve the overall taxpayer experience by making it easier to file taxes, receive refunds, and access assistance. As cyber threats become more sophisticated, the IRS modernization initiative places a high priority on protecting taxpayer information. The IRS Modernization and Transformation initiative is a critical effort to bring the IRS into the 21st century, ensuring it can effectively serve taxpayers, safeguard information, and enforce tax laws in an increasingly digital world. While challenges exist, the potential benefits make this initiative a necessary and forward-thinking investment in the future of tax administration in the United States.

Areas Covered 

  • IRS Background and Objectives
  • Key Components of Plan
  • Benefits of Plan
  • Challenges of Modernizing and Transforming

Who Should Attend

Accountants, CPAs, Attorneys, Small Business Owners, Individual Taxpayers

Why Should You Attend

Taxpayers: Understanding the plan can help individuals and businesses know how changes might affect their interactions with the IRS, such as filing taxes, receiving refunds, or dealing with audits.

Tax Professionals: Accountants, tax preparers, and financial advisors need to stay informed about the IRS's plans to better advise and assist their clients.

IRS Employees: Employees need to understand the changes to adapt to new technologies, processes, and workflows.

Policymakers: Legislators and government officials should be aware of the plan to make informed decisions about funding, oversight, and related legislative matters.

Technology Vendors and Contractors: Companies providing technology solutions and services to the IRS should be knowledgeable about the plan to align their offerings with the IRS’s needs.

Researchers and Analysts: Those studying tax policy, government efficiency, or public administration may find the plan useful for their research.

Advocacy Groups: Organizations advocating for taxpayer rights and efficient government operations may use this information to support their initiatives and influence policy.

Topic Background

In August 2022, Congress appropriated tens of billions of dollars to the IRS, partly to help the agency modernize its IT systems. The IRS intends to use some of these funds to replace legacy IT systems, give taxpayers more online tools and services, and protect taxpayer privacy and security.

  • $160.00

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