Nudging Bias – Improving Awareness of our Unconscious and Conscious Biases and Tricks for Disrupting Them
  • CODE : PELL-0011
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Level : All Levels
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Paul is a PMP, corporate attorney, author, former Chair of Diversity & Inclusion at the Attorney General of BC and international professional speaker. He is an advocate, consultant and trainer in workplace respect, conflict management and diversity/inclusion.

Paul is a published author in the field of workplace bullying. Paul’s book, “The Workplace Bullying Handbook is an inspirational call to action to ending bullying at work.

A leader in the project management industry, Paul served on the Project Management Institute’s global Ethics Member Advisory Group. His clients include professional associations, American Airlines, Intel, over 50 Project Management Institute Chapters, Corus, healthcare, construction, universities and charitable institutions.

There are over 150 types of biases, both conscious and unconscious. While some of us are self-aware and understand the depth and breadth of our biases, many of us could improve our level of awareness, particularly in relation to our unconscious biases.

Unconscious bias refers to a person's attitude or beliefs about others that happen without the person being aware of it. In the workplace, these subconscious preferences affect our opinions based on facts or experiences from our past. Unconscious biases negatively affect our decision-making and workplace culture, creating opportunities for stereotyping, pre-judging, hiring process unfairness, treating employees differently, and even discrimination. Our biases also negatively impact workplace culture and teams because we treat other people unfairly or differently without even realizing it.

This workshop helps attendees understand our biases, how they negatively impact our workplace. We will explore the most common forms of bias and provide tools to adjust our automatic patterns of thinking, so that we can improve our self-awareness, keep our biases in check, and improve our workplace culture.

Areas Covered 

  • Understand the various common forms of bias
  • Identify their personal biases
  • Improve self-awareness
  • Keep personal biases in check
  • Enrich relationships and workplace culture

Who Should Attend

Managers, Team Leaders, Project Managers, Business Analysts.

Why Should You Attend

Understanding and overcoming our biases is core to successful leadership. If we don’t understand how we are viewing those around us and why, we will inevitably treat other people unfairly or differently without even realizing it. If we want to be respected and successful leaders, we have to adjust our automatic patterns of thinking, so that we can improve our self-awareness, keep our biases in check, and improve our workplace culture. Come and get tools for overcoming your unconscious biases.

  • $160.00

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