Managing Stress as an Executive Assistant: Getting Out of Overwhelm
Rebecca Staton-Reinstein, Ph.D., and President of Advantage Leadership,
Inc. work with leaders and their organizations to increase your
bottom-line results through strategic leadership, engaged employees, and
delighted customers in all economic sectors. Draw on her proven ability
to mentor you through a major change, customizing successful solutions
to your complex issues. For over 25 years, Rebecca has contributed value
as an executive, manager, educator, and consultant, honored on four
continents. She is a Ph.D. in organizational development, a National
Speakers Association Legacy Professional Member and St. Petersburg
Engineering Academy Foreign Member and author of books on strategic
leadership and planning.
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Workplace negativity and stress affect more people and organizations today than ever. The advent of the pandemic intensified the level of stress most organizations experienced, whether people were onsite or working from home. Managers and team members alike report being more stressed as they are being asked to do more with less. Learn strategies to reduce your personal stress and create a positive, more productive workplace by developing approaches to relieve stress. As an Executive Assistant, learn to align with company values designed to help you and others perform at your best. Acknowledge everyone's significant effort and contributions. Discover ways to achieve an even more encouraging and supportive environment by reducing the stress generated in every workplace.
Areas Covered
- Common challenges for Executive Assistants
- Assess your environmental stressors
- The toll of work-related stress - Looking for bright spots; creating new legends
- Extinguish negatives
- Acting differently - What holds us back?
- The Amygdala and Me
- Hijackings
- Unavoidable stressors
- Managing the amygdala - Stress inventory
- Elements and expression
- Too many bosses and how to manage the stress they cause
- Tipping the balance - Creating stress-relieving strategies
- Current strategies
- Alternatives
- Building a positive environment - Adapting the Morita approach
- The critical role of purpose
- Acknowledging, not dwelling on feelings - Take action: Create a plan.
Who Should Attend
- Experienced Executive Assistants
- Newer Executive Assistants
- Aspiring Executive Assistants
- Executives who have Executive Assistants
Why Should You Attend
In most organizations today, Executive Assistants are asked to improve your productivity and effectiveness. At the same time, you are seldom provided with the training, tools or resources to do this. This adds to the normal stress associated with your position. The pandemic has upended many situations whether you are working in your usual location or remotely or using a combination of the two. As stress mounts, most of us experience the symptoms of chronic overload. Demands on your time may escalate and disruptions scramble plans. As a result of this program you will learn to become more productive, while reducing stress, as you:
- Build a positive and engaging environment as an Executive Assistant
- Empower yourself to make your maximum contribution using your talents
- Move people from resistance to constructive dialogue and decision making
- Recognize your specific chronic stressors and work to reduce them
- Develop practical, workable strategies to relieve stress positively
- Consider alternatives action paths for success
Topic Background
Stress is a part of everyday life. Sometimes it adds that extra little push to get something accomplished. At other times it interferes with our ability to get work done. Learn to recognize your own stressors and act to convert them into positive actions which get the results expected of you.