How to Hold Your Teams Accountable Without Demotivating Them
  • CODE : YOKE-0006
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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Yoke van Dam has been called the Kintsugi queen™ because of her ability to join, repair and transform teams into something quite wonderful. Her work is like Kintsugi, the Japanese art form that mends broken pottery with gold. Yoke works with teams that may have become disjointed, to reconnect and ¬find their flow again. This approach helps leaders stay optimistic when they encounter flaws and missteps in their organizations leading them to the gold at the 'end of the rainbow.’ As a qualified behavioral change coach with veri¬fiable in-the-eld experience (2000+ team members, 2 300+ hours training, and 350+ coaching hours) she’s eminently suited to uncover the real issues holding teams back. Her hard-won experience (15 years) and tried and tested high-performance processes have seen even the most under-performing and fractured teams join together and become stronger and more remarkable.

She works with leaders who want to effectively articulate and communicate their vision so that their teams buy into it and are prepared to follow them to hell and back to make sure that vision is achieved, as well as new, untested leaders who need a strong foundational roadmap of how to work with and lead teams to successful outcomes.

Her advisory, speaking and coaching work empowers leaders and teams to create meaningful workspaces by tapping into their purpose and enhancing human connection. She empowers leaders and teams with confidence and influence, to find their flow and develop a growth mindset. The specific areas she focuses on are Leadership development, Culture, Emotional intelligence, Time-management, Negotiation, Communication, and Presentation skills.

Her clients have been as diverse as sales executives, business leaders and owners, customer service agents, marketers, lawyers, engineers, and accountants. The industries she has covered range from automotive, retail, manufacturing, and engineering to advertising, publishing, legal, and academic. She is the founder of Y-Connect and a Professional member of the Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa (PSASA). 

How often do you have Performance reviews with your team: once a year, a quarter, or every two weeks?

Many leaders and managers have yet to be taught the importance of ongoing feedback and coaching on their teams. They have bought into the belief that Performance management is when we want to eliminate a staff member, or a Performance review happens once a year.

These managers only speak to the underperformers, never growing the star performers or making them feel like they matter.

The star performers often carry the team's load, while others slack off and quietly quit, simply taking their pay check every month. This leads to burned out employees that eventually resign.

  • Do you, as a manager, ever get frustrated with your underperforming staff, and your most extensive strategy is to fire them or help them quit?
  • You might not want to be seen as the lousy manager constantly correcting your team. And because you are not giving them feedback, the team is not reaching the heights you imagined.
  •  You might be on the other side of the scale, where you only speak to the bad apples and never give feedback to the star performers.
  • Or you are so hands-off that the team rarely gets any correction.

In this 60-minute webinar, Yoke van Dam will demystify the value of feedback and teach you strategies to give and receive feedback.

These strategies will help you grow trust, commitment, and accountability with your teams. You will grow your star performers, too, and not only coach your underperformers. Uncover coaching strategies that will transform your team. Develop the courage to have courageous conversations with your team and thank us later.

  • "What if I coach them and they leave?"
  • "Well, what if you don't coach them and they stay?"

Areas Covered 

  • The importance of feedback
  • Uncovering our blind spots-Johari’s window
  • Vulnerability, trust, and building psychological safety
  • Gaining commitment and accountability
  • Creating a space for clear communication and healthy debate
  • A coaching framework
  • The 3-2-1 feedback method for giving feedback
  • Creating a culture of excellence and group peer pressure

Who Should Attend

  • Corporate Leaders and Executives: CEOs, COOs, and other high-level executives who have the authority and responsibility to shape the overall leadership culture within their organizations.
  • Middle Management: Managers and team leaders who directly oversee teams and have a significant impact on the day-to-day working environment and employee experience.
  • Human Resources Professionals: HR managers and professionals who play a crucial role in implementing and promoting positive workplace cultures.
  • Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners: Leaders of smaller companies who want to foster a positive work environment and enhance leadership practices.
  • Leadership Development Professionals: Individuals involved in training and developing leadership skills within organizations.
  • Organizational Development Specialists: Professionals focused on improving the overall effectiveness and efficiency of organizations.
  • Employee Engagement and Satisfaction Advocates: Those who are responsible for gauging and improving employee satisfaction, morale, and engagement within the organization.
  • Anyone Interested in Leadership Development: Individuals who have a general interest in improving their leadership skills and learning about successful leadership strategies.

By targeting these groups, you can reach individuals who have a direct impact on the organizational culture and leadership practices within their respective companies.

Why Should You Attend

  • Do you love hearing these words: "feedback," "KPI," or "performance management"?
  • Do you like having courageous conversations with your team?
  • Do you often have feedback discussions with your team, both star performers and underperformers?
  • Does your team know how they can succeed in business and their areas of improvement?
  • If you said no to these questions, you are like most managers who dislike giving feedback to their teams. You may want to learn how to call them out when they miss out on deadlines or don't deliver work up to the standard you are expecting.

Many of the managers Yoke van Dam's worked with would start by saying things like:

  • I don't have the time or the energy to have coaching conversations with my team.
  • The team should know that they are doing well.
  • Why should I keep telling them it's not good enough? I am tired of talking to them.
  •  I don't need to hold anyone's hand.
  • Do you need help to hold your team accountable for not only their results but also their attitude and way of doing their work?
  • Do you want to find new ways of having feedback discussions and improving your team's purpose while motivating and getting them to grow?
  • If so join this webinar and uncover new ways of holding your team accountable, without demotivating them.

Topic Background

Performance coaching and the importance of feedback have been one of the favorite modules as part of Yoke van Dam’s Leadership development programs and Leadership coaching.

She has seen managers step up, dig deep, and transform their teams. You can too.

  • $200.00

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