Organizational Culture - Values - Impact An Examination Of The Organization's Culture, SWOT Analysis, Values And The Impact On Leadership, Management And Staff
  • CODE : VERA-0002
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
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Vera Thomas is a certified Life Coach, International Speaker, Trainer, Mediator, and Poet. 24x bestselling author and producer of a by-weekly podcast/radio show “The Vera Thomas Show”.

Her career spans over 30 years working with companies, non-profit organizations, schools, and churches engaging youth and adults. She works with groups and individuals.

Vera is available for companies who want to transform their teams or families who want to transform their lives.

The 90-minute session on Organizational Culture, Values, and their Impact offers a holistic exploration of the intricate web that binds these elements together. By understanding the symbiotic relationship between culture, SWOT analysis, and values, participants are equipped with the knowledge and tools to contribute positively to leadership, management, and staff dynamics within their organization. The session fosters a strategic mindset, encouraging participants to view these elements not in isolation but as interconnected forces that shape the overall health and success of the organization.

Areas Covered

  • Introduction to Organizational Culture:
     - Definition and significance of organizational culture
     - Exploration of cultural components: symbols, rituals, and language
  • SWOT Analysis Overview:
     - Explanation of the SWOT analysis framework
     - Importance of identifying Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
  • Organizational Values Examination:
     - Understanding the role of values in organizational identity
     - Analysis of the organization's core values
  • Impact on Leadership:
     - Exploration of how organizational culture influences leadership styles
     - Strategies for leaders to align with and reinforce cultural values
  • Impact on Management Practices:
     - Discussion on how culture shapes day-to-day management decisions
     - Strategies for managers to integrate cultural values into operations
  • Impact on Staff Dynamics:
     - Examining the link between culture and employee engagement
     - Real-world examples of positive and negative cultural impacts on staff
  • Alignment of Individual Values:
     - Assessment of individual values in relation to organizational values
     - The importance of alignment for employee satisfaction and commitment
  • Practical Strategies for Cultivating Positive Culture:
     - Tips for fostering a positive and inclusive work environment
     - Case studies illustrating successful cultural transformations
  • Interactive SWOT Analysis Session:
     - Practical application of SWOT analysis to the participants' organizations
     - Group discussions and sharing of insights
  • Q&A and Discussion Forum:
     - Open floor for participants to seek clarification and share experiences
     - Facilitated discussion on challenges and opportunities in shaping organizational culture
  • Conclusion and Actionable Takeaways:
     - Summary of key learnings from the session
     - Encouragement for participants to apply insights in their respective roles

Who Should Attend

This session is designed to cater to a diverse audience across different levels of the organizational hierarchy, ensuring that individuals with varying responsibilities can benefit from the insights and strategies presented.

Why Should You Attend

  • Insight into Workplace Dynamics: Understanding organizational culture provides insights into how things operate within the workplace. It helps comprehend the unwritten rules, values, and behaviors that shape interactions and decision-making.
  • Professional Development: Learning about organizational culture is a key aspect of professional growth. It enhances your understanding of workplace dynamics, leadership styles, and how to navigate within different organizational environments.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Insight into organizational culture helps improve collaboration. Understanding how cultural elements impact teamwork and communication enables you to adapt and work effectively with diverse teams.
  • Career Advancement: Having knowledge about organizational culture can positively impact your career. It allows you to align better with the company's values and goals, increasing your chances of success and advancement within the organization
  • Improved Adaptability: Being aware of different organizational cultures makes you more adaptable. This skill is invaluable when transitioning between jobs or working in diverse teams or industries.
  • Influence and Leadership Skills: Understanding organizational culture is crucial for leaders. It equips them with the knowledge to shape and reinforce a positive culture, enhancing their leadership effectiveness.
  • Positive Work Environment: A strong and healthy culture contributes to a positive work environment. Attending discussions about culture can empower individuals to contribute positively to shaping their work environment.

Topic Background

Organizational culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, behaviors, and norms that characterize an organization. It's the collective way things are done and perceived within a company, influencing the work environment, employee interactions, decision-making processes, and overall success.

  • $200.00

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