Rituals for Resilience and Renewal: Simple Personal Habits to Power Performance and Productivity!
  • CODE : TIMB-0011
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Level : Intermediate
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Tim believes that life and work should be awesome! His mission is to ignite the potential of leaders, teams, and corporations to thrive.

As a former elite athlete, New York Yankees draft pick, and national-level coach, Tim knows performance. Whether in ballparks or boardrooms, he is an expert at eliciting higher performance from individuals and teams.

Tim is the CEO of FRESH! Wellness Group and author of 5 books. He holds a BA in Psychology (Kinesiology), a Graduate Certificate in Executive Coaching, and is a Distinguished Toastmaster, international speaker, and educator.

Forget time management. It’s a myth. The important resource to manage and cultivate is your energy. Energy is what allows you to be productive and do what you want to do. All the time in the world is useless if you don’t have the energy to get anything done!

In today’s fast-paced, constantly changing world, people are stressed, overworked, burned out, uncertain of the future, and drained of their precious energy. Despite destroying lives and companies every day, the personal energy problem has a simple solution.

Personal Energy is a renewable resource that we all have the capability to create at will. At the heart of effective energy management are strategic daily rituals designed to tap into your physical, mental, and emotional energy resources. This session is your guide to cultivating, improving, and managing your energy so that you can live the healthy, happy, high-performing life you deserve.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the energy-sucking black holes in life that drain your motivation, enthusiasm, and productivity
  • Create instant (and long-lasting), on-demand energy through simple actions that can take less than one minute
  • Set up a simple daily structure that will get your energy and productivity back on track quickly when life throws you an unexpected curveball
  • Maximize the use of these success rituals at work and home to boost your health, happiness, productivity, and performance

Physical, mental, and emotional energy are renewable resources that you have the capability to create at will through simple, strategic, curated daily rituals.

  • Identifying Energy Drainers: Learn to pinpoint the factors in your life that deplete your energy, motivation, and productivity, while developing strategies to minimize their impact.
  • Instant Energy Boosting Techniques: Zero to Energy in 60 seconds or less. Learn quick and effective methods to generate immediate energy boosts using simple actions that can be implemented anywhere.
  • Structuring for Resilience: Establish a daily routine that boosts your ability to bounce back quickly from adversity while maintaining energy levels, especially when faced with unexpected challenges.
  • Simple Success Rituals: Adapt and apply these energy-boosting rituals both at work and home to improve health, happiness, productivity, and overall performance.
  • Cultivating Renewable Energy Sources: Learn to harness your physical, mental, and emotional energy through strategic, daily practices that are simple yet highly effective.

Who Should Attend

  • Corporate Executives: To maintain high energy levels for decision-making and leadership tasks
  • Middle Managers: For balancing the demands of managing teams and executing organizational strategies
  • HR Professionals: To learn strategies for improving employee wellness programs
  • Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners: To sustain energy for varied roles and responsibilities
  • Remote Workers: For managing energy effectively in a home office setting
  • $160.00

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