Micro-management, The Slow Death of Staff Engagement, Morale, and Productivity
  • CODE : YOKE-0005
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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Yoke van Dam has been called the Kintsugi queen™ because of her ability to join, repair and transform teams into something quite wonderful. Her work is like Kintsugi, the Japanese art form that mends broken pottery with gold. Yoke works with teams that may have become disjointed, to reconnect and ¬find their flow again. This approach helps leaders stay optimistic when they encounter flaws and missteps in their organizations leading them to the gold at the 'end of the rainbow.’ As a qualified behavioral change coach with veri¬fiable in-the-eld experience (2000+ team members, 2 300+ hours training, and 350+ coaching hours) she’s eminently suited to uncover the real issues holding teams back.

Her hard-won experience (15 years) and tried and tested high-performance processes have seen even the most under-performing and fractured teams join together and become stronger and more remarkable.

She works with leaders who want to effectively articulate and communicate their vision so that their teams buy into it and are prepared to follow them to hell and back to make sure that vision is achieved, as well as new, untested leaders who need a strong foundational roadmap of how to work with and lead teams to successful outcomes.

Her advisory, speaking and coaching work empowers leaders and teams to create meaningful workspaces by tapping into their purpose and enhancing human connection. She empowers leaders and teams with confidence and influence, to find their flow and develop a growth mindset. The specific areas she focuses on are Leadership development, Culture, Emotional intelligence, Time-management, Negotiation, Communication, and Presentation skills.

Her clients have been as diverse as sales executives, business leaders and owners, customer service agents, marketers, lawyers, engineers, and accountants. The industries she has covered range from automotive, retail, manufacturing, and engineering to advertising, publishing, legal, and academic. She is the founder of Y-Connect and a Professional member of the Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa (PSASA). 

Micro-management comes from the old idea that staff don't want to work and must be chased with a stick to ensure they do their work. This is where the carrot and stick mindset comes from; we need to give them carrots(incentives, bonuses, increases); otherwise, they won't move.

Yet many Purpose-driven companies, with Heart-centered leadership, can create motivation, responsibility, and accountability in their teams without constantly throwing money at them

In this 60-minute webinar, we will explore why you, as a leader and part of the leadership team, should transition from micro-managing your teams to adopting a leadership style that inspires your team to follow you willingly. This shift fosters a more positive work environment and boosts productivity and morale.

We will delve into case studies of companies that have successfully increased their staff morale and productivity through heart-centered leadership, earning them the title of: 'the best company to work for.' These success stories serve as a beacon of inspiration and a testament to the power of transformative leadership.

As many of Yoke's past delegates have learned, you will walk away with the following:

  • New strategies to motivate and inspire your team using Dan Pink's motivation theory
  • You will build your team's ability to be proactive and take responsibility
  • You will build your assertiveness and create healthy boundaries with your team
  • Instead of being re-active you will learn how to provide guidelines and support to your team
  • You will learn the importance of trust, psychological safety, and open communication
  • You will learn how to become a teacher and coach and learn lessons from Top Gun Maverick

Areas Covered

  • The underlying reasons why we Micro-manage
  • The impact of micro-managing and finding a new leading
  • How to motivate and inspire your team -Purpose, autonomy, mastery, roles, and responsibility
  • Give their monkeys back to them lessons from the 1-minute manager
  • Becoming a teacher and a coach-lessons from Top Gun
  • Agile vs Waterfall

Who Should Attend

  • Corporate Leaders and Executives: CEOs, COOs, and other high-level executives who have the authority and responsibility to shape the overall leadership culture within their organizations.
  • Middle Management: Managers and team leaders who directly oversee teams and have a significant impact on the day-to-day working environment and employee experience.
  • Human Resources Professionals: HR managers and professionals who play a crucial role in implementing and promoting positive workplace cultures.
  • Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners: Leaders of smaller companies who want to foster a positive work environment and enhance leadership practices.
  • Leadership Development Professionals: Individuals involved in training and developing leadership skills within organizations.
  • Organizational Development Specialists: Professionals focused on improving the overall effectiveness and efficiency of organizations.
  • Employee Engagement and Satisfaction Advocates: Those who are responsible for gauging and improving employee satisfaction, morale, and engagement within the organization.
  • Anyone Interested in Leadership Development: Individuals who have a general interest in improving their leadership skills and learning about successful leadership strategies.

By targeting these groups, you can reach individuals who have a direct impact on the organizational culture and leadership practices within their respective companies.

Why Should You Attend

  • Are you a control freak?
  • Do you always want to know what everyone in your team is up to every minute of every day?
  • Does it stress you out when your team arrives late at work or if you don’t physically see them in the new hybrid environment?
  • Do you stress that your team might need to perform or work harder, and you find yourself constantly checking up on them, and then you need to work late at night to get to your job?
  • Can you switch off when you take a holiday, or do you find yourself on weekends and holidays on MS Teams or texting your team to hear if the business is not burning?
  • Do you say the most in meetings that your team also takes the lead, offering their initiatives and being proactive with ideas?
    If you answered yes to these, you might be a micro-manager.

Micro-management is when you, as a leader, want excessive control over your team. Usually, this type of manager closely monitors their team and rarely gives them responsibility and autonomy to make any decisions themselves.

  • When you micromanage, your team needs more job satisfaction; they struggle to grow professionally, which can lead to stress, burnout, and resignations.
  • In this webinar, we will demystify micro-management and give you new ways of managing and leading that can reduce stress levels, increase team trust, and increase staff morale and engagement.

Topic Background

Yoke van Dam has been coaching and offering bespoke Leadership development programs since 2013. One of the areas that many leaders struggle with is micro-managing. Once Covid broke out and the new hybrid and remote way of work became a new norm, leaders had to navigate their trust issues and find new ways of leading their teams.

This webinar content forms part of Yoke’s Women in Leadership, Become the Leader You Would Follow, group, and Leadership coaching programs. Many leaders were rehabilitated and have built trust with their teams, increased staff morale, and moved away from micro-managing their teams.

They were surprised to see the ripple effect and transformation on their entire department. And due to how they were willing to install these practices in how they lead and manage their teams. So, can you join us for this webinar?

  • $200.00

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