How to Rebuild American Manufacturing
  • CODE : MINH-0004
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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Michele is Vice President of Industry Reimagined 2030, a non-profit whose mission is to change the narrative of American manufacturing from one of “inevitable decline” to “vibrant opportunity.

She is founder and president of ElectroFab Sales, a sales agency specializing in helping manufacturers select the right processes for their products.

Michele is the author of Rebuild Manufacturing – the key to American Prosperity, which is a sequel to the 2012 edition of Can American Manufacturing Be Saved?  Why We Should and How We Can, both available at She writes blog articles for

Michele earned a B. A. from San Diego State University and later earned a certificate in Total Quality Management and a Yellow Belt in Lean Six Sigma.

Ms.Nash-Hoff’s presentation will cover how new trends and technologies are contributing to rebuilding American manufacturing and what government policies and legislation have benefited rebuilding American Manufacturing. 

She will discuss how the trend of returning manufacturing to America (reshoring) is increasing manufacturing output in the U.S. and how the increased desire of consumers to buy Made in USA products is causing a resurgence of the manufacturing of American made products.

She will discuss how training to become a Lean manufacturer is helping companies be more efficient and competitive in the global marketplace.

She will highlight how the new technologies of Additive Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence, Automation/Robotics, and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are contributing to rebuilding American manufacturing.

Areas Covered

  • Learning why companies are reshoring to USA
  • Considering case studies of companies that are reshoring
  • Learning why it is important to begin the journey to transform into a Lean company
  • Understanding why becoming a Lean Company helps rebuild American manufacturing
  • Learning about the new technologies of Additive manufacturing Artificial Intelligence, Automation/Robotics, and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and how they contribute to rebuilding American manufacturing
  • Learning about what government policies benefit rebuilding American manufacturing

Who Should Attend

  • Owners and/or Managers of original equipment manufacturers, job shop companies, contract manufacturers, and companies providing secondary operations and services to all of the above
  • CEOs/CFOs/Presidents
  • Vice Presidents
  • Production or Manufacturing Managers and Supervisors
  • Supply chain professionals
  • Purchasing Managers, Supervisors, Purchasing Agents, and Buyers
  • Accounting Managers and Staff

Why Should You Attend

The COVID pandemic proved that we cannot rely on imports of pharmaceuticals and PPE equipment and supplies to protect the health and welfare of Americans. We cannot defend our country if the products needed by the military and defense industry become unavailable.

America is at a crossroads. We can either continue down the path of increasing trade deficits, increasing national debt, and loss of manufacturing jobs by allowing manufacturing to be outsourced to countries with predatory trade policies. There are dangerous implications of the continued erosion of American industrial and manufacturing capabilities in sectors critical to national security, such as defense equipment, semiconductors, telecom supplies, and pharmaceuticals. The continued degradation of America’s industrial base is creating domestic vulnerabilities and weakening our ability to compete. 

It’s time for all Americans to wake up America to the dangers of being dependent on other countries for manufacturers goods, especially one that has become a threat to our country.

We must forge a new path by rebuilding American manufacturing to win the international competition for good jobs, sustained economic growth, and a strong, secure domestic supply chain if we want to remain a free country.

  • $200.00

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