Speaker Profile
Bill Humbert, RecruiterGuy.com, is one of the rare individuals who are an active Recruiter for over 37 years and an active Sr. Career Transition Consultant. He speaks to audiences on both sides of the desk – Recruiters and Candidates. He knows and understands the predicaments each side faces. Recognized as an expert in both talent acquisition and career transition, he has 79 Live Television interviews, including on CNN’s Headline News. He has been quoted in the NY Times and internationally in The Province, Vancouver, British Columbia. He is the published author of RecruiterGuy’s Guide To Finding a Job and has signed a publishing contract to write a series of books under the RecruiterGuy.com Series banner – The first of the RecruiterGuy.com Series is Employee 5.0 Secrets Of A Successful Job Search In The New World Order - http://amzn.to/2D9w39f. Bill is the co-author of the white paper (with Cyndy Trivella).
Weeding Out The Bad Candidates: Best Practices for Sourcing, Resume Review, and Pre-Screening
Save time and money with these effective prescreening tips and tricks from an active recruiter.Many human resource professionals are under intense pressure to perform their jobs without adequate training, especially in the sales arena called recruiting or talent acquisition. This topic will supply human resource professionals with the training required to create a solid foundation for their talent acquisiti..