Speaker Profile
Bob Verchota is the owner and senior consultant for RPVerchota& Associates, a consulting firm providing services to clients who seek to align their business and employees, creating successful outcomes and excellent work environments. After 30+ years in Human Resources senior leadership roles and teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses in Leadership and Organizational Development, Bob transitioned to using his experience and skills in consulting. Mr. Verchota provides solutions to companies for a wide variety of HR issues including training and development, compensation, compliance, policy development, performance management, employee relations, and managing change from mergers and acquisitions to project-specific disruptions of the status quo. Bob has an undergraduate degree in Business Administration, a graduate degree in Healthcare Administration, and doctoral work (ABD) in Organizational Development. He is a lifetime Senior Professional in Human Resources.
Behavioral Interviews-500% More Effective Than Traditional Methods
Regardless of skill, hiring a person who is a bad fit is the wrong decision. In fact, traditional interviewing predicts future success by only 10%. With a bad fit, the employee is never going to reach optimum performance, be fully engaged, and they are likely to leave. The company is then left with another expensive recruitment along with the disruption of having talent walk out the door. (Recruiting expens..
Best Practices for Retaining Millennials and Other Employees
The Millennial generation is a force to be reckoned with. They are talented, innovative, entrepreneurial, and creative. They are also highly mobile and prone to job-hopping. Retaining top talent is a key business imperative and old strategies are no longer effective.More than 60% of Millennials leave their company in less than three years and their turnover is greater than any other generation. In addition,..
Employee Recognition And Rewards To Help Improve Organization Performance
An engaged workforce is a major competitive advantage for any business. It is clear that engaged workers work harder, produce more, generate greater profits, have more satisfied customers, have fewer attendance issues, and are better in almost every regard. Yet about two-thirds of employees are NOT engaged. That is a problem and an opportunity. Simply put, employee engagement is the extent to which employee..
Exit Interview Toolkit – Starting and Enhancing Your Program
An employee hands in his resignation and walks out the door and with him walks out valuable skills, knowledge, and capabilities. You are sorry to see him leave and you don’t want to lose any more like him. Also walking out is the key to how to keep good employees and how to make your business better than ever. The key is Exit Interviews.Exit Interviews can provide critical information that only leaving empl..
HR 101 – Compliance You Need To Know In 2021
Employees are the lifeblood of most companies and they often determine whether companies thrive or wither on the vine. And as managers, leaders, and HR professionals we are expected to know and apply the alphabet soup of federal and state laws (ADA, FMLA, Title 7, EEOC, AA, etc.) In this case, what you don’t know really can hurt you and as employers and managers, we are expected to at least know the basics...
Managing Workplace Conflict
What impact does dysfunctional conflict have on your workplace? High tensions, stress, and anxiety? Reduced effectiveness, productivity, and quality? Increased absenteeism, turnover, hostility, and possibly violence? Is conflict displayed as outward aggression and dominance or are their issues with conflict avoidance where important issues are unresolved?The dysfunctional conflict has destructive consequenc..
Onboarding Best Practices for Millennials and all Employees
Reducing turnover and fast-tracking new employees to productivity is a key business imperative. The reality is that about 30% of employees don’t make it past their first year and it’s expensive. Good recruitment and hiring can be quickly undone by disorganized poorly executed new employee orientation. And as millennials become a driving force in the workplace, they represent special opportunities and ch..
Rewards and Recognition Retaining Your Best Employees in Turbulent Times
An engaged workforce is a major competitive advantage for any business. It is clear that engaged workers work harder, produce more, generate greater profits, have more satisfied customers, have fewer attendance issues, and are better in almost every regard. Yet about two-thirds of employees are NOT engaged. That is a problem and an opportunity.Simply put, employee engagement is the extent to which employees..