Banking Financial Services and Insurance

BSA Reporting Requirements

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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BSA Reporting Requirements

BSA regulations require all financial institutions to submit five types of reports. Individuals or companies must file an individual filing requirement. We will go over more details later on in this presentation. They are: Currency transaction reports (CTR)Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) Foreign financial accounts (FBAR)Currency and Monetary Instrument Report (CMIR)Designation of Exempt PersonAreas Covered..

Business Analytics for Decision Making – Making it Work

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Business Analytics for Decision Making – Making it Work

This presentation focuses on how the finance and accounting function can leverage analytics, especially predictive ones, embedded in their financial reporting, planning, and decision making.Finance and accounting professionals are typically considered to be very quantitative. They are by nature number-crunchers. But collecting, validating, and reporting data is not the same thing as analyzing the informatio..

Currency Transaction Reports (CTRs): How to Deal with Common Issues for Filing

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Currency Transaction Reports (CTRs): How to Deal with Common Issues for Filing

Under the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), there are reporting obligations for financial institutions doing business in the US. A currency transaction report is one of those obligations. A CTR must be filled out whenever a customer conducts a currency transaction over $10,000. There are some exemptions which we will go over as well. Remember with CTRs, it is a form we file to help prevent money laundering, We are go..

Deep Dive into Financial Ratios

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Deep Dive into Financial Ratios

During many years of evaluating companies there are many things that you find are not as they seem after breaking down a balance sheet, income statement or statement of cash flows. If you do not have the skills to properly analyze the companies’ financial statements, you could end up losing a large customer to bankruptcy or granting a loan and the company defaults on it. In the webinar you will learn how re..

Detecting and Auditing for Fraud in Financial Statements Using Data Analysis

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Detecting and Auditing for Fraud in Financial Statements Using Data Analysis

Tell-tale signs of accounting fraud include growing revenues without a corresponding growth in cash flows, consistent sales growth while competitors are struggling, and a significant surge in a company's performance within the final reporting period of the fiscal year.According to the ACFE, financial statement fraud is the least common type of fraud in the corporate world, accounting for only 10% of detecte..

EFT Act and Regulations E  in 2023

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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EFT Act and Regulations E in 2023

We will explore all aspects of regulation E, plus discuss how this rule impacts your day-to-day responsibilities. You will learn how to comply with the Electronic Fund Transfers Act In 2023.This webinar will focus on the background of Electronic Fund Transfers Act, as well as recent developments that affect electronic transfers. We will also cover disclosures, error resolution, gifts and the examination sid..

Evaluating Fraud Risk – Sarbanes-Oxley Through the Years

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Evaluating Fraud Risk – Sarbanes-Oxley Through the Years

In this webinar, we delve into the dynamic landscape of fraud risk evaluation, focusing on the evolution and impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) over the years. We will explore the origins of SOX, its objectives, and the subsequent amendments that have shaped its role in combating financial fraud. We will begin with a comprehensive overview of fraud, emphasizing its significance in the corporate world. W..

Fair Lending Compliance - An Overview of and What It Means for Your Financial Institution

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Fair Lending Compliance - An Overview of and What It Means for Your Financial Institution

Failing to follow the fair lending compliance regulations can result in civil money penalties, restrictions on branching and significant reputational damage for an institution. During this webinar, we will go through each of the regulations that fall under Fair Lending and take look at the latest developments in regulatory compliance.Areas Covered    Overview of Fair LendingIllegal Discrimina..

Fraud In Banking

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Fraud In Banking

Management has a responsibility to be familiar with and alert to the types of fraud that might occur in their area and to put in place effective controls to avoid such occurrences. Management should also provide support to and work with the Internal Audit Division, other areas in a financial institution by reporting and investigation of dishonest or fraudulent activity, including the prosecution of offender..

Fraud: Creating a Fraud program and Implementing It For Your Institution

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Fraud: Creating a Fraud program and Implementing It For Your Institution

Management has a responsibility to be familiar with and alert to the types of fraud that might occur in their area and to put in place effective controls to avoid such occurrences. Management should also provide support to and work with the Internal Audit Division, other areas in a financial institution by reporting and investigation of dishonest or fraudulent activity, including the prosecution of offender..

How to Develop, Prepare, Analyze and Present an Outstanding Capital Expenditure Proposal

 Recorded Webinar
 120 Minutes
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How to Develop, Prepare, Analyze and Present an Outstanding Capital Expenditure Proposal

Join us to learn about the latest and most accurate methods for performing capital expenditure (CAPEX) analyses. Learn how to establish your hurdle rate (minimum acceptable rate of return) for your CAPEX projects and which metric most fairly represents the true expected rate of return on your projects. Receive our standardized CAPEX model for use in performing future analyses.Areas CoveredIdentify your true..

How to Perform a Sound Credit Review With Limited Information

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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How to Perform a Sound Credit Review With Limited Information

This webinar will cover the entire credit process from how to set up an account, how to decide what payment terms they should receive all the way to how best to collect from a delinquent account. The webinar outlines steps for the following processes:Credit application - what is needed in the body of your credit application so that your company is covered should there be a lawsuit, or the customer goes to c..

How to Write, Implement, and Maintain Your Credit Policy

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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How to Write, Implement, and Maintain Your Credit Policy

Right or wrong, credit policy is the organization’s rule book for its credit risk management strategy, and it also reflects the organization’s credit culture. Both the market and the regulatory agencies expect the credit policy to be accurate, current, and succinct so that both line and credit have unambiguous and clear direction on how to identify, evaluate, underwrite, approve, book and monitor creditwort..

Key Ratio analysis for Bankers

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Key Ratio analysis for Bankers

The best tool to help make a sound credit decision is to get audited financial statements from your customer. If you have them there is no gray area about the numbers you are reviewing, assuming you have audited financial statements with a unqualified opinion. In this webinar we will go over financial ratios that can be used from looking at the: Income statement, Balance sheet and Statement of cash flows. I..

Key US AML Regulation Changes for 2024: Important for Compliance Staff

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Key US AML Regulation Changes for 2024: Important for Compliance Staff

These changes will keep us busy and require us to make applicable updates to our internal documents, systems, policies and procedures, and reference materials. And don't forget about any special projects that may occur as well throughout the year.It’s important to understand these changes, but we must also understand the implications for our financial institutions, particularly for individual staff members...

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