Generic Webinars

Why Employee Recognition Programs Rarely Work and What Leaders Can Do Instead

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Why Employee Recognition Programs Rarely Work and What Leaders Can Do Instead

The goal of employee engagement is to earn the gift of discretionary effort. Discretionary effort is a gift because employees make a decision on a daily basis whether or not to give discretionary effort. Discretionary effort is the difference between what an employee does to get a paycheck and what the employee is capable of contributing. In a culture of rich employee experiences, employees naturally give d..

Why Opposite Personalities Irritate Each Other at Work

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Why Opposite Personalities Irritate Each Other at Work

The factors listed above that we will discuss mean it is complex to figure out exactly why another team member annoys you. If the truth were known, you may drive him crazy as well. Looking at irritations from the top of the mountain, every team has conflict on the rough terrain as they wind their way to the top. The normal viewpoint of team conflict is negative, especially conflicts based on personality dif..

Why We Gossip and What to Do Instead?

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Why We Gossip and What to Do Instead?

Gossip is a highly toxic behavior for the ones giving it and receiving it and it is epidemic. There are reasons, results, and successful alternatives for addressing this destructive and all-to-common behavior. Most people agree gossip is not healthy or helpful and that it is everywhere. They engage in gossip but don’t feel proud that they do. What most do not realize is that there are understandable reasons..

Win With Assertiveness, Not Aggressiveness

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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 01 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
Win With Assertiveness, Not Aggressiveness

The proper amount of assertiveness can earn you respect, decrease confrontation, and increase your effectiveness in conversations. The definition of assertiveness is communicating your needs, wants, and opinions to others in a direct and tactful way, then listening to and being receptive to their needs and opinions. Being assertive is not being confrontational or aggressive. In this webinar, you will gain a..

Writing Successful Request for Bids and Proposals

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Writing Successful Request for Bids and Proposals

This webinar begins by defining the difference and focus of quotes, bids, and proposals as well as selecting the right format to match the purchase. These documents are critical to the success of contract management/administration as well as the ultimate outcome of the project. Bids require a significant base of suppliers qualified to bid and may require a show of interest and capability before access to th..

Writing the Investigation Report

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Writing the Investigation Report

Participants will learn: How to structure and write a clear, concise, well-organized, objective, and credible investigation report from complaint to conclusion?How to identify and use the models of proof/standards as a guide in your investigation report for issues of discrimination, harassment, and bullying (violence/threats)? How to provide parties with an analysis of the facts, conclusions, and or recomme..

Zap! You're a Manager – Getting Off on The Right Foot

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Zap! You're a Manager – Getting Off on The Right Foot

The basics of good management are the same for first-line supervisors and CEOs. The successful approaches have a track record of success in the public, private, and nonprofit/NGO sectors. The first step is to understand the unique challenges new managers face, especially if you have been promoted from within the team and are now expected to lead your former peers. The first task is to build a strategic plan..

How to Develop Effective Presentation Skills

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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How to Develop Effective Presentation Skills

This session will outline and more importantly demonstrate the elements of effective presentation delivery, whether it is in person, virtual or hybrid. The program will go over critical elements for effective delivery, how to engage audience members with greater satisfaction, what questions to ask, and how to read audience members even if they are off camera. If desired, instructions on how to do zoom surve..

Transformational Leadership - Hidden Secrets Of The World’s BEST Leaders

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Transformational Leadership - Hidden Secrets Of The World’s BEST Leaders

Let CEO and Celebrity Trainer Prof. Paul teach you the hidden secrets that real leaders use Rise above the rest. Learn the hidden secrets that top CEOs and Team Leaders use to produce impressive results day after day. This top-notch training can help you rise to the top faster than you ever thought possible. Let Prof. Paul show you the hidden secrets of psychology known only to the most educated and Elite C..

10 Reasons OneNote is Perfect for Attorneys

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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10 Reasons OneNote is Perfect for Attorneys

Do you wish you could magically simplify your notetaking, sharing of files, and record keeping with a powerful software program? That magic is OneNote. If you have purchased OneNote in either the full-featured desktop version or the “universal” mobile-device-friendly edition and are wondering where the magic is, attend this webinar. You will discover the features that start the magic working, simplifying an..

5 Secrets to Effective Delegation

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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5 Secrets to Effective Delegation

One person, no matter how great or wonderful you are, can only do so much. Expanding your influence, impact, and results require you to enlist the help of other talented people. They will only help you if they see what’s in it for them. Learning how to delegate is the fine art of persuasion, influence, and discernment. You will only be great if you help others become great. Master the art of delegation. It ..

5-S: Industrial Cleaning and Organization

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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5-S: Industrial Cleaning and Organization

5S has been defined as “A place for everything and everything in its place”. It is a workplace (mostly industrial) organization method that uses a list of five Japanese words: seiri (Sort), seiton (Set-in-Order), seisō (Shine), seiketsu (Standardize), and shitsuke (Sustain). The course describes how to clean and organize a workspace/workstation for efficiency and effectiveness. The rule of thumb is that aft..

6-Levels of Leadership

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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6-Levels of Leadership

We must first come up with a conclusive, simple and easy to understand definition for Leadership. One good definition that I like is this: “Leadership is the ability to entice others to want to follow you!”Followers have to want to follow their leaders, which means leading by fear, intimidation, formal power, coercive power, or even reward power are not indicative of Leadership. True leaders are to use legi..

7 Habits of Great Leaders

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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7 Habits of Great Leaders

Leadership is a noble profession. It all starts by mastering the leadership of self. Then you have the right to start to deliberately influence and lead others. The most effective way to lead is to set the example. You and I have deeply developed habits of behavior. First, we must discover why and how we currently handle the critical behaviors of great leadership. What is our unconscious state of mind when ..

Accountability in the Workplace

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Accountability in the Workplace

Accountability for our actions seems to be in short supply these days. From large corporations, to governments, to workplace teams, we have lost our need to be almost anyone. Lack of accountability has become very costly. This webinar is designed to provide hands on, practical strategies and skills for successfully holding others accountable at work.Research unfortunately indicates that we ..

Showing 286 to 300 of 376 (26 Pages)