
The Basics of Importing Goods into the United States (Two Parts)

 May 17 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
The Basics of Importing Goods into the United States (Two Parts)

Goods may be imported to the United States subject to import restrictions. Importers of goods may be subject to tax and/or customs duty (“tariff”) on the imported value of the goods. Imported goods are not legally entered until after the shipment has arrived within the port of entry, delivery of the merchandise has been authorized by CBP, and estimated duties have been paid. Importation and declaration and ..

The Best Practice Boardroom

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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The Best Practice Boardroom

The corporate board model was never designed to do real business work, so it fails time and again. This is the Big Secret of corporate boards that none of us want to admit. It originated as a ceremonial legal body, but now we increasingly demand to fulfill a very functional role. The odds are very much against the board of directors doing its job effectively.Our program will help you even those odds.  ..

The Chameleon Leader: An Innovative Approach to Situational Leadership

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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The Chameleon Leader: An Innovative Approach to Situational Leadership

The Chameleon leadership concept evolved from the premise that decision-making and conflict resolution are efficiently approached when the leader successfully combines two or more leadership styles. In essence, some leadership styles may be successfully combined to produce the most effective results when resolving situations of conflict. Blanchard in his compendium of Situational Leadership argued that the ..

The Criticality of Engaging All Persons in Your Safety Program, Including Temps and Part Time

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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The Criticality of Engaging All Persons in Your Safety Program, Including Temps and Part Time

The Post-Covid job market can only be described as ‘chaotic’. An employee will walk off the job due to the slightest perceived ‘disrespect’. This is often beyond the control of a line supervisor or crew leader. Correctly configured, employee engagement must come from TOP MANAGEMENT, which is encapsulated as LEADERSHIP in the workplace. This is a very subtle and nuanced element of running any organization. T..

The Death of Corporate Wellness

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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The Death of Corporate Wellness

It's time to look at workplace wellbeing from a new perspective. Billions are spent on wellness each year, yet people are still more stressed, burned out, and disengaged than ever. Learn the 7 key factors needed to transform employee wellbeing, cultivate a high-performance corporate culture, and generate a fantastic return on investment and energy from your new programs.Areas CoveredCritical Analysis of Cur..

The Disruptive Physician Practitioner: A Danger to the Hospital’s Operation

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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The Disruptive Physician Practitioner: A Danger to the Hospital’s Operation

Most disciplinary policies are progressive. A progressive policy applies increasingly more severe sanctions to additional incidents of bad behavior. It is very important that the organized medical staff have a disruptive practitioner policy. This webinar will discuss the development of such a policy, including what it should include, and how it should be implemented. It is also important to understand what ..

The Effective Board Leader

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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The Effective Board Leader

Across the world, business cultures have the important topic of board leadership exactly backward. For most jobs, we vet candidates based on their experience, training, and previous success for a position. Only after rising to the top through a tough winnowing process do we name the final candidate for the role. Over the past century, we’ve developed an infrastructure of business schools, MBA programs, prof..

The Effective Manager's Communication Skills Toolbox: Making Active Listening, Constructive Feedback, Resolving Conflicts and Coaching Work for You

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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The Effective Manager's Communication Skills Toolbox: Making Active Listening, Constructive Feedback, Resolving Conflicts and Coaching Work for You

In order to function at maximum effectiveness, a manager must master critical communication skills, including active listening, the ability to receive and provide constructive feedback, to resolve conflicts and to coach and mentor.Without these skills and a commitment to continuously improve them, our ability to leverage our value to our manager and our organization diminishes.Areas Covered1. Effective list..

The End of Average: Tools for Rising Above Mediocracy

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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The End of Average: Tools for Rising Above Mediocracy

It’s time to end the average. In these crazy times, it’s more important than ever to unleash your full potential and learn to live large.This webinar is intended to help anyone who embraces “average” to begin breaking out of the chains that bind them and finally leave it all behind. You will have the opportunity to consider the idea of average, where does it come from? and why it doesn’t work. You will walk..

The Exit Strategy Workshop: Essential Advice for Business Owners

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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The Exit Strategy Workshop: Essential Advice for Business Owners

This webinar is a comprehensive workshop for business owners, founders, and entrepreneurs who are considering exiting their businesses. The book covers a wide range of topics related to exiting a business, including selling a business, liquidating assets, transferring ownership, succession planning, employee buyouts, franchise resale, closing a family business, and exiting a partnership.In this workshop, we..

The FDA Inspection: Best Practices for Preparation, Behavior, and Response

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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The FDA Inspection: Best Practices for Preparation, Behavior, and Response

This session will discuss how to prepare for the inspection, what to do during the inspection and the close-out interview, and how to respond to the inspection. Also contained in this session will be the limits of the FDA's scope during an inspection, including what documents you are not required to show them, and the permissibility of photographs and affidavits.Areas CoveredTypes of InspectionsPreparation&..

The Federal False Claims Act: Enforcement and Recent Updates

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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The Federal False Claims Act: Enforcement and Recent Updates

The session will provide an overview of the Federal Civil False Claims Act (FCA) and how it works. It will also provide an assessment of enforcement activities, showing how healthcare providers may be at risk. In addition, the session will review recent cases and show how they potentially impact healthcare providers.We will start with a review of the Federal False Claims Act and discuss how it works and how..

The Five Leadership Roles for High-Performance

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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The Five Leadership Roles for High-Performance

Experience a transformative webinar, "Mastering High-Performance Leadership: The Five Roles" where we will explore the core elements of team effectiveness, the five essential roles of leadership, achieving the right balance among these roles, and leading with excellence "from the balcony".Join us to unlock the secrets of high-performance leadership and discover practical strategies to elevate your leadershi..

The Form 1042-S and W-8 Update –Complying with IRS Information Reporting for Nonresident Aliens

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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The Form 1042-S and W-8 Update –Complying with IRS Information Reporting for Nonresident Aliens

Do you have a plan to deal with IRS demands for backup withholding if you failed to deduct from payments to Nonresident Aliens' (NRAs)? The IRS is working hard to reduce the delinquent tax burden. They know companies are becoming relatively compliant with 1099 reporting, but they also understand that companies and their advisors are less sure when it comes to identifying and performing backup withholding on..

The Global Supply Chain

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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The Global Supply Chain

This webinar explores supply chain management in a global environment. It discusses the macro level of global trade, global quasi-government institutions, trade agreements, and the challenges and opportunities in international business.Students will identify global supply chains, transportation links, government entities, economic factors, regulations, and challenges of procuring and moving materials in and..

Showing 751 to 765 of 1602 (107 Pages)