Speaker Profile
Joe Rosner starting selling greeting cards door to door at age 11. In his teens, he started and ran a successful lawn mowing business. Joe has invested a great deal of time and money obtaining sales expertise from top sales gurus including Steve Shiffman, Dale Carnegie, Jeffery Gitomer, Brian Tracy, Tom Hopkins, Zig Ziglar, David Sandler and Ben Franklin. He has read hundreds, if not thousands, of sales success books. And he then applied what these top experts teach in real life sales situations. In the sales role for a predecessor of what would eventually become Kenex, an IBM company, he sold to prospects from the boardroom to the loading dock. He has successfully has sold a variety or services and products to large and small business organizations, as well as to consumers. Joe has provided sales training at local colleges, for human resources organizations and for individual clients in industrial equipment, insurance, healthcare and more.
Verbal Self-Defense For Workplace Violence
De-escalation, diffusion, Verbal Judo, or “talking someone down", are all names for keeping the potentially violent person from becoming an actual violent person. This program will provide strategies, tactics, and techniques for keeping situations from devolving into dangerous confrontations. We’ll take a quick look into the problem of workplace violence, how often it happens and what is the effect on indiv..