Speaker Profile
I am an Associate Professor of Organizational Leadership and Ethics in the Woodbury School of Business, Director of Academic Service-Learning (Office of Engaged Learning, Center for Social Impact), and previously the Associate Director of the Center for the Study of Ethics. I am also a human capital leadership and performance management consultant, a CIPD Academic Fellow, and an HEA Senior Fellow. I was recently a Fulbright Scholar (Minsk, Belarus; Jakarta, Indonesia), a POSCO Fellow at the East-West Center (Honolulu, Hawaii; Washington D.C.), a Learning Innovation Research Fellow at the Institute of Teaching and Learning Innovation (University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia), an Educational Development Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Teaching and Learning (University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada), a Visiting Scholar at the Wilson Center (Washington, D.C.), and I am a regular visiting faculty member in other international graduate business programs (U.S., U.K., France, Belarus, Poland, and China).
I am passionate about teaching, love to conduct research, enjoy working with organizations in the community, and love writing in all styles—from academic, to professional, to op-ed, to other creative writing projects—and have been published widely in academic journals, books, magazines, and in popular media locally, nationally, and abroad (such as The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and USA Today). I have also been extensively quoted and cited as a management expert in popular press nationally and abroad and I enjoy my involvement in various service assignments and activities, both on and off of campus.
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