Speaker Profile
Linda B Sarabia is a Mexican customs and foreign trade consultant since 1991. She was the senior editor of a version of the Mexican import/ export HTS, that was 20 years in the market. Instructor in HTS classification and Mexico customs procedures for Mexico Customs Brokers Associations. Customs Tariff Consultant at WiseTech Global, in charge of the Mexico and the United States customs and international trade compliance libraries in Borders.
IMMEX Program and Free Trade Agreements
Manufacturing in Mexico as a maquiladora under the IMMEX program (formally known as the Maquiladora Program) can offer tremendous benefits for virtually any foreign manufacturer, especially those selling into the North American market. Established in 1965 by the Mexican government as a way to reduce unemployment along the borders, the maquiladora program offers foreign companies easy access to inexpensive l..
Mexico Import Process Basics
Non-tariff measures (barriers) are generally defined as policy measures other than ordinary customs tariffs that can potentially have an economic effect on international trade in goods, changing quantities traded, or prices or both (UNCTAD).Areas Covered Non-Tariff Barriers definition and objectiveDifference between a Direct and an Indirect NTBDirect NTB’s established by the Mexican ..