Speaker Profile
Lou Adler is the CEO and founder of The Adler Group – a consulting and training firm helping companies implement "Win-Win Hiring" programs using his Performance-based Hiring℠ system for finding and hiring exceptional talent. More than 40 thousand recruiters and hiring managers have attended his ground-breaking workshops over the past 20 years. Lou is the author of the Amazon top-10 best-seller, Hire with Your Head (John Wiley & Sons, 3rd Edition, 2007) and The Essential Guide for Hiring & Getting Hired (Workbench Media, 2013). Lou was one of the original LinkedIn Influencers. He has been featured on Fox News and his articles and posts can be found on LinkedIn, ThriveGlobal, Inc. Magazine, BusinessInsider, Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal. Prior to his executive search experience. Lou held senior operations and financial management positions at the Allen Group and at Rockwell International's automotive and consumer electronics groups. He holds an MBA from UCLA and a BS Engineering from Clarkson University.
Handling Compensation
Too many companies struggle with negotiating offers and screening candidates properly. To achieve a successful Win-Win Hiring™ outcome requires compensation to be part of the overall hiring package but not #1. Win-Win Hiring means hiring for the anniversary date, not the start date. In this case, both the hiring manager and the new hire still agree is what the right decision one year after starting. Handlin..