Speaker Profile
Ms. Marilyn James, the native of Milwaukee Wisconsin, received her M.S. degree from the University of Wisconsin, Urban Affairs, specializing in public policy, urban planning and development. Ms. James studied engineering, business administration, urban psychology as she pursued her B.A. degree, University of Wisconsin. Ms. James has over 35 years in government experience including 26 years with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). During her HUD career, she developed and revitalized low income and distressed communities leveraging public funding (CDBG, HOME, ESG, Capital funds, HOPE VI, Choice Neighborhoods and more) with private funding (LIHTC, NMTC, AHP, & more).
Government Contracting, Understanding the Fundamentals
This webinar introduces the fundamentals of government contracting in a format that easy to understand and comprehend. Participants will be able to apply the information presented when bidding on federal contracts as well as ensuring compliance when administering/managing contracts. As a participant, you will learn how to get your business ready to meet the demanding needs of the federal government. The web..
Preserving America’s Affordable Housing
State, local, governments and Public Housing Authorities play a major role in contributing to the preservation of affordable housing. This webinar will present policies and best practices for state, local governments, and public housing authorities to preserve affordable housing, Also, this webinar will discuss the preservation of subsidized housing in rural and urban areas of the country.Participants will ..