Speaker Profile
Executive, adviser & board member in technology-based businesses, especially in banking/ financial services; and information technology, telecom, and other high-tech industries. Specialist expertise in Risk management, regulation, and compliance for banking & financial services; and in big-data analytics. 35+ years’ experience in the US, Canada, Asia/Pacific, UK, and Europe. Results accomplished include: (a) building of custom Management Information applications in the fields of Risk, compliance and expense management, for major multinational banks based in the US and UK; (b) key contributions to planning of large infrastructure projects: e.g. Southern Cross undersea fiber-optic cable network, Australia & New Zealand to the US; and (c) $12 bn+ of structured finance for telecom; electric power; aviation & ground transportation, e.g. for Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART); British Telecommunications (BT) and Citicorp; MA in economics, Cambridge University Loeb Fellow, Harvard University Former Sloan Visiting Professor, New York University Expert advisor for more than $15 billion in structured finance transactions Senior Adviser (contractor) to Citibank; JP Morgan Chase; Barclays; and CapitalOne Bank Senior Managing Director with Essex Lake Group LLC
Capital Adequacy and Stress Testing: Understanding the CCAR (Federal Reserve) and DFAST (OCC) Programs
Banks and Credit Unions are subject to programs of the Federal Reserve, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), which test whether each Bank or Credit Union has sufficient capital to navigate successfully through adverse future economic scenarios. The required analysis involves estimating the losses the Bank or Credit Union will incur in a ra..
Strategic Accounts Receivable Management
Strategic AR Management is today’s AR Management with its focus on the customer experience and driving revenue. Other benefits such as lower operating costs, shorter cycle times, and improved cash flow are also realized. Strategic Management of Accounts Receivable (AR) delivers much more value to a company than traditional Transactional Management of AR.This is accomplished by the following actions/programs..